Sunday, January 31, 2010

Meet Author Vicki Lynn

Can you tell us a little about how you started writing; was it something you have always wanted to do?

I never pictured myself as a writer. I have an art degree and pursued fine arts for years before I ever considered writing a story. It helped that I was an imaginative kid! In 2000 I wrote my first short story and the rest is history. I had a lot to learn and still do. But I hope I'm always improving on every story I write.

Who or what has been your biggest influence as a writer?

I would say my family since we've always been encouraged to read. My grandmother, Nonna Rose, took me and my sister to the library every couple of weeks to check out books. I have three sisters and they all are avid readers, and so is my mom. Even my dad who had worked all hours would pick up a book on occasion.

Your work is very popular with readers and reviewers; how does it feel to have such positive recognition for your work?

Wow, really? *blush* - ah, well, I've had my share of not so blissful reviews, too, but I love it when readers email me and let me know how much they enjoyed my books. It's my readers, not the reviews, that really make it all worth while.

What do you consider to be the key elements of a great story?

Characterization. I can forgive a lot about a story (plot, story line, pacing) if I fall in love with the characters.

Could you tell us a little about how you develop your characters? Who has been your favorite character to write? The most challenging?

I take the stereotype and try to tweak the personality and give the person a terrible decision to make, or fatal flaw he has to overcome. In Last Chance, Stuart Hamilton is the hunky dumb jock but is he?

With my M/M stories, my favorite character so far is Antoine Fortescue from The Tiger Within. I love his joy for life and his fear of living a lonely existence. And, well, I love a man with long hair and a slender build, deceptive in strength and intelligence. This is the shortest story I ever wrote for publication. It was challenge to develop a character with such a short word count. I was used to having 80K to 100K to fool around with!

My most difficult character is Ryan Adams. He's featured in Ryan's Harbor, a sequel to Blue Skye. Difficult because he's a womanizer and yet he falls for a man. Now, how to make that believable! He's sexually fluid but I know there are people who argue that you're either are attracted to men or women. I read a lot of yaoi, and this is a major theme - straight best friend succumbs to his not so straight best friend. LOL Well, Ryan's Harbor isn't like that, I promise. Although I love yaoi and all the ridiculous plots that are associated with this genre. *g*

Please tell us about the projects you are currently working on; what can readers expect to see in the coming months?

February 2 Loose Id is releasing Last Chance, my first M/M vampire romance. I am already writing the sequel, Second Chance. Aspen Mountain Press has just contracted my sequel to Blue Skye, Ryan's Harbor, and is slated for sometime this spring. It is a M/M contemporary romance set in Woodland Village. I also am plotting out a sequel to The Tiger Within that will feature Antoine and Jack and their enemy, Eidolon. This will continue the short story and will be longer than the first one, and hotter. I noticed the heat level of my books is increasing with every new release. And, lastly, I wrote a short free fic that is posted on my website. I received very favorable reviews from my readers who asked for more. This will be a M/M fantasy that involves a very uptight Commander and thieving bard with a shady past and a magical ring.

Where can readers find out what's new and how can they contact you?

A reader can join my Newsletter Yahoo Group or check my website for updates. I also have blog, twitter and Facebook accounts! It's wonder I find time to write. If you go to my website's main page, it's all there. Also, readers can email me at viki(@)vikilyn(.)com or viki.lyn.romance(@)gmail(.)com.

Do you have a strict writing schedule? How do you balance your personal and writing time?

Heck no! I'm not at all disciplined when it comes to a schedule. I wish I were, then maybe I'd get more books published. I don't have an evil day job and that's a blessing. My personal life is full - spending time with family and friends. That's my favorite past time besides reading and watching movies. I also travel overseas at least every two years if I can. This year it's Japan.

What season is your favorite and why?

I love the fall season. I'm a native Northern Californian and the fall months were the best. Clean brisk air -- the leaves earthy reds and golds. I love wearing sweaters and jeans. Now I live in the desert and it's still a very nice time of year but more in the later months. The winters are outstanding.

What would we find on your bookcase if we looked? What is one of your favorite authors?

Oh boy, I'm a very eclectic reader! You'd see history books, art books, travel books, fiction, especially murder mysteries, reference books, New Age stuff, too. I don't have a favorite author, there's just too many good writers worth reading.

What was the last book you read (e or print) and did you like it?

Last night I stayed up and read The Long Way Home by Z.A. Maxfield and really enjoyed it. It's about a psychic ex-detective. He's called in to solve a case that is linked to his newfound friend's past. I don't want to give too much away!

What genre haven't you done yet but want to?

A murder mystery with romantic elements.

If you could meet any character of any book, who would it be and what would you do?

This is a difficult answer but I think Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. I would sit down and have a long talk with him over a pipe of Longbottom Leaf pipe tobacco as we discussed the state of the world.

Featured Book: Last Chance published by Loose Id. Release date: February 2, 2010

M/M vampire romance by Viki Lyn

Buy excerpt:


Can a seriously smart almost-vampire find love with a seriously sexy jock bent on stripping him of his polo shirt and his secret?

“Hey, look out!”

Aric Christian looked up, but not fast enough.


A bullet of pain shot between his eyebrows, and his hands flew to his head. He didn’t catch his fall; instead his body crumpled, his vision blurring, white pages raining down on him. Grumbling under his breath, he found himself on the ground, his ears ringing and his sunglasses half twisted off his face.

As his vision cleared, a blond Apollo came into view holding a…football?

“Hey, are you okay?” A broad hand pressed against his forehead.

Aric looked up, ready to complain, but gaped instead, his mouth flapping like a fish tail. He leaned back on his elbows and groaned.

The god hovering over him pushed down on his shoulder. “Hey, you better lay there for a sec. You really got pinged.”

Pinged? What kind of word is that?

Yet the guy was even more good-looking up close, and he smelled nice. Blond bangs fringed china blue eyes, and his lashes were made even more golden by the sunlight. Concern was evident in the downturn of his well-shaped mouth, a kind expression that made him seem generous.

“Hey, do you know your name? Where you are?”

Aric forced himself to look away from those startling blue eyes. By the look of this guy’s powerfully built physique, he had to be a jock. And even with Aric’s limited experience, he knew jocks weren’t the sharpest pencils in the pack. He liked a guy who had some brains, and this one’s vocabulary told Aric he didn’t have too much going on upstairs. Aric swatted the dude’s hand away, then ripped off his damaged sunglasses and waved them in the guy’s face. Showing anger was better than showing any kind of attraction.

That would be too humiliating. “These cost a fortune.”

That generous mouth now quirked up into a smile, making him appear not the least bit regretful. “Sorry, but you walked right between us.”

“You hit me with your fucking football, and you say it’s my fault?” Aric snapped. Then he gasped, eyeing his lab notes sailing across the glade. His stomach plummeted at the sight of all his hard work flying into oblivion. All his sexual attraction hurtled from his mind as he scrambled to his knees. “My papers!”

Another powerful shove on his shoulder and Aric plopped back down onto the grass.

“Stay put; I’ll get them.”

Aric watched in fascination as the god dodged flying Frisbees and leaped around barking dogs and students reading on the lawn, scooping the papers into his hands. His graceful movements reminded Aric of someone; he’d seen those moves before… Oh fuck! That jock happened to be the big man on campus and a Heisman Trophy candidate.

Stu Hamilton, the university football team’s wide receiver, certainly could move.

Aric stared at the rounded ass flexing so deliciously in snug jeans. A faded black T-shirt barely held in straining biceps and a well-defined chest. All lean, mean, and muscular. His mouth watered at the sight, and a spasm rippled across his groin.

He had one hell of a hard-on.

Not good. No, not good at all.

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