Monday, June 7, 2010

Getting to know author Ashlynn Monroe

Tell us a bit about your latest book, and what inspired you to write such a story.

My first release with Wild Horse Press is called Hidden Magic and it is the story of a woman who learns that she has a very special destiny.  This destiny was hidden from her to protect her.  I have always loved magic and my malicious magician was actually inspired by my love of street magic. 

How would you describe your creative process while writing this book? Was it stream-of-consciousness writing, or did you first write an outline?

I am a very random kind of person!  I never use an outline except when making a book proposal for an unfinished piece.  I just let it flow.

Did your book require a lot of research?
In Chemical Lust I researched Project MKULTRA.  It was a secret CIA project that tested on humans and had some terrible consequences.  

If you could have any vice without repercussions, what would it be?

I quit smoking a long while ago, but sometimes I really miss it.  

If you could have been the servant to any famous person in history, who would that be and why?

Emily Bronte, she is my all time favorite writer.

What so you see for the future of publishing and eBooks?

I think that in another twenty years the majority of books will be sold electronically.  I am so glad to be a part of the revolution now.  I love to read eBooks because there are so many fresh ideas and voices that the traditional paper publishers would reject.

Which of your characters do you love/hate/fear/pity the most and why?

I love Jericho in Chemical Lust.  He is a super hot guy but he is able to see Leah’s inner beauty.  He reminds me of my husband.

Do you get along with your muse? What do you do to placate her when she refuses to inspire you?

My muse has been inspiring me since I was a very little girl.  I remember telling stories with my cousins before I was even in school.  I have been writing since I was thirteen.  Imagination is the only thing that gets me through the day some days.  So far my muse has never abandoned me, yet (gulp).

Do you have another book in the works? Would you like to tell readers about your current or future projects?

I am so excited for my Templar Vampire Series that is coming out with Keith Publications this fall!  I am hoping for 10 books in all and the 1st is called Pray for Me.  Michael is the 1st of my tormented Templar Knights.  I use real history and legend and then I give it a special twist.  I am working on book two and three right now.

Have you ever experience weird cravings while you write? If so, what kind?

After a particularly difficult scene to write I usually want a beer ***Wink***.

What are your top 3 favorite paranormal books and movies?

My three favorite books are The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance, The Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance, and Blood Dance by J. L. Oiler.  My three favorite movies are Twilight (I know I’m one of those people!) The Vampire Diaries and Fringe are my favorite television shows I don’t watch many movies.

What character (s) in any of your books is most like you?
Alexia from hidden magic is most like me.

What is the most ridiculous thing that you have thought about doing to any of your characters but never did?

One of my current WIPs is a story call Whitney in Wonderland, the other dimension that Whitney is trapped in is a void of time where pieces of all time past and present exists simultaneously.  I was going to have the hero fighting a t-rex but I just couldn’t do it!

What books are currently on your nightstand?

I am working on the Stand by Steven King again.

If someone hasn't read any of your work, what book would you recommend that they start with and why?

As Hidden Magic is the only one that is available right now…I would say that one.

Where can we find you on the web?

Hidden Magic will be available from Wild Horse Press June 8th and Chemical lust will be available from Cobblestone Press early July.

Excerpt-Chemical Lust:
Coming to Cobblestone Press in July 2010 (
Leah tried to cover her mouth and nose, but it was too late. She was already feeling lightheaded, the first sign that the drug was taking hold of her. Jericho seemed to be fairing no better than she was, even with his makeshift mask. His pupils dilated; she assumed hers were as well. No matter what, she was still the scientist, so she began to mentally compile her data on their reaction. If they lived, she would have much to say about the effectiveness of the drug, as she was now experiencing it firsthand with her knowledge of its structure and of how the human body would metabolize it.
Jericho stumbled and dropped to the floor. His large frame made the elevator shake, but it still had not moved. Leah also lost her strength and sank down next to him. The gas was starting to dissipate, and they were still alive. For one moment of relief, she was sure that the gas was having no effect on her—and then it happened. Raging fire shot through her body, and she gasped for air. Her head fell back as her back arched. She felt as if she was on the brink of an orgasm right there, fully dressed and untouched on the elevator floor. Her keen awareness of Jericho’s eyes on her and the fact he was watching with interest, not saying or doing anything, made it all the more embarrassing and yet kind of kinky. Leah actually shook her head to try and clear that thought away. I am a scientist, and this is a perfectly uncontrollable reaction to a laboratory mishap, she reassured herself. I am in no way responsible for my actions, she thought as if pleading with her own subconscious.
Before she completely gave in to her loss of control, she managed to grab her jacket off the floor and flip it up to where the security camera was pointing directly at her. She did not want even more of an audience for her panting and writhing; it was bad enough that Jericho seemed to be completely aware of her predicament and enjoying it thoroughly. It made her hot just knowing he was the one seeing her need. She wanted him between her legs. She wanted him to fuck her right there on the elevator floor—an elevator that could start working any second, she reminded herself. Jericho’s perfect lips made her want to kiss him more than she’d thought it possible to want to kiss anyone. She was never the sexual aggressor in a relationship, but she suddenly wanted to pin him to the floor and remove his clothing until nothing but skin was rubbing together in delicious friction. 

Excerpt Hidden Magic
Coming to The Wild Horse Press June 8th, 2010

They grabbed the children and stroller and started to leave. Suddenly, the magician made himself appear in front of Alexia.  She was startled and honestly afraid for her niece and nephew’s safety.  She casually gave the performer the finger and said, “Excuse me. Your show stinks and we want to leave.  Please get out of our way!”  The word please pushed passed through her teeth with menace. 
       A strange light entered his eyes and Alexia immediately regretted letting her temper get the best of her. While she was not surprised that her temper was causing her trouble again, she regretted it anyway.  He looked down at the almost sleeping Dixie and Alexia panicked.  Gripping the child tighter, she tried to run, but the crowd had blocked her in.  Georgia and Little Tony found themselves pushed to the back of the crowd, everyone wanted to see what would happen next.  Alexia saw him feeding on her fear, enjoying it.  Reaching around them, he yanked the doll away from the girl and held it up to the crowd.  Alexia whispered, “You better not damage that or I’ll sue your ass buddy!” 
       He looked at her and this time his eyes held humor instead of anger.  He spoke to the crowd.  “I am going to make this doll live by giving it part of this child’s spirit!”  Alexia heard the collected gasp followed by the obligatory rabble. 
       “I don’t think so pal!”  She spoke with her full force of girl power while raising her knee, attempting to make contact with his groin.  Unfortunately, this magician also had fortune telling skills because he had blocked her movement and she kneed his thigh instead.  He laughed and then became scary intense.  Alexia heard his whisper in a strange lilting language she had not ever heard before. Suddenly, she felt her niece stiffen in her arms and then go limp.  Dixie’s little arms dangled as Alexia struggled with the dead weight of the child.  Alexia motioned for the bystanders to back up and give her room. Somehow, they managed to accommodate even with the crowd pressing in on them.  Alexia laid her beloved niece on the hot asphalt of the patio and felt for a pulse.  To her relief the child was alive.  Tears of fear and suffocating sorrow flowed from her eyes as she tried to revive the girl.  She began to call for help.  In the distance, she could hear Georgia screaming.  She looked up, about to plead that he stop whatever he had done. 
            Her breath caught in her throat and she could not breath as she saw the most horrific thing she could possible imagine. 

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