Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Getting to Know Jinger Jackson

Why don't you start with telling us a little about yourself? What genre do you write in and why? My name’s Jinger Jackson and I write erotic paranormal and erotic horror novels for Resplendence Publishing. I love anything paranormal and the challenge of writing erotic horror is just such a HUGE kick!

What comes first for you when you sit down to write a book? Plot or Characters? Characters. I’m what most people call a pantster. I sit down and write the story that unfolds in my mind. It’s awesome to do it this way as even I’m surprised at the direction the book ends up in!

Do you "cast" your characters using pictures or actors to help inspire you when you're writing? Most of the time. I know what they look like but using photos does help me firm up details.

How long does it take you to finish a book from start to finish? Hmmm. Are you referring to the first draft or from inception to publication? First draft has been done in as little as 25 days. It just depends on the story. But if you mean from the minute I have the idea until it releases to the public…that can take much longer. I’ve had one that has been over a year in the making!

Tell us a bit about your latest book, and what inspired you to write such a story. That would be Demon’s Fall (coming October 2010). I’ve got a thing for Angels and Demons. Not the religious aspect of them but the whole good versus evil thing. Then I was listening to a song—Angels by the group Within Temptation and I visualized the story. The rest, as they say, is history!

How much does reader reaction mean to you as an author? Do you read your own reviews? I LOVE reader reactions. It means the WORLD to me to hear from readers. I want to hear how much they enjoyed my book. And even if it is hard to take, I also like to hear when they DON’T like me. As to my reviews, I read each and every one of them!

What are you working on now? Anything you want to tell us about? My latest project is a book titled Morgan Creek. It was inspired by some strange experiments I heard about while watching a History Channel documentary on Josef Stalin. Yes it is another horror novel…

What books are currently on your nightstand/bedside? Anything coming you are dying to read? Currently I am reading a new erotic series by Rebecca Goings. The series is called Desert Princes of Jikkar and I’m engrossed with book one The Viper Prince. Becka is FABU and these books are AWESOME!

If someone hasn't read any of your work, what book would you recommend that they start with and why? Beyond Death. It’s my favorite book! I love Vlad Dracula and there are some interesting, historically accurate things in this book.

If you could have been the servant to any famous person in history, who would that be and why? Hmmm…good question! I don’t know…I can’t see myself as a servant (LOL)…My initial reaction to the question was Vlad Dracula…because I’m insane…LOL but I don’t know. It’s sort of a tossup. I’d have liked to be around with one of the pharaohs, George Washington, This one is going to require more thought.   

What do you see for the future of publishing and e-books?  I see more and more people moving to eBooks—which is VERY cool! But honestly, I am afraid that we’re going to lose the brick and mortar book stores which would be a REAL crime! While ebooks are the WAVE of the Future…while they’re convient, green, and all the other positive notes we all agree on, there is something magical about print books. There is something almost intoxicating about walking into a bookstore. I LOVE the local Barnes and Noble. I can walk in and lose about 4 hours of my life wandering the aisles and browsing the books. I LOVE IT!

Which of your characters do you love/hate/fear/pity the most and why?  Love? That would be Andras—the hero of my upcoming release Demon’s Fall. The one I HATE the most is Secson—villian of Demon’s Fall. The one I pity the most has GOT to be Vlad from my book Beyond Death.

Do you get along with your muse? What do you do to placate her/it/him when she/he/it refuses to inspire you? For the most part I’d say he and I get along. Of course there are times when he’s so damn stubborn that I just want to scream…LOL

If there was a soundtrack to your latest novel, what genre/songs would be included? Demon’s Fall would have a soundtrack made up of songs by Within Temptation. This is an alternative rock band. They fall under the symphonic metal class. But this Dutch band has the definite feel for my book!

Which of your characters would you most likely fall for if they were real? I’m a married woman…HEHEHE but I could easily fall for Andras. He’s so…I mean there is just something about a reformed demon…LOL

Besides the bedroom, what's the sexiest part of your home in your opinion and why? The kitchen. It’s warm, it’s homey, *shrugs* it’s just the heart of the home, you know?

Where can readers find you on the 'net for more information on you, your books and other fun stuff? I have a blog I twitter: I send out a monthly newsletter and I post them to a newsletter website: I LOVE hearing from readers. They can email me at

Thanks for having me today Dawn! I LOVE dropping by your place and hanging out. Have a great week and we’ll talk again soon!

Sneak Peek into  Demon's Fall-Coming to Resplendence Publishing in October 2010.

What happens when a demon falls for an angel?
Tangela Teshua just recently buried her parents and has given up her city apartment to moved back to the country house they left her. However their deaths and her move are not the biggest changes coming to Tange’s life. Tange learns she is a guardian angel—or at least she will be when she over comes the challenges Satan will put in front of her.
Andras Belial’s father assigned him the task of destroying the newest being on the lighted path. But another battle looms on the horizon for Andras. His inner demon struggles against the strange formation of feelings, of a conscious growing to life. He falters even more when he meets Tange.
Lucifer, infuriated that not only has Andras turned his back on his heritage but he has joined forces with an angel, sends an assassin demon after both Andras and Tange. Can they keep the demons at bay long enough to find happiness?
A charge flashed through the air. The angel! He shoved the corpse away and followed the almost imperceptible light that shined like a beacon and led straight to the disgusting being’s hiding place.
He shimmered invisibly through the walls of the house and froze.
The angel stood only a few feet from him. He inhaled the rich scent of her and was once more shocked. She smelled like the floral odor that filled his temporary home—and he wasn’t disgusted by it.
Cooper streaks laced through the auburn hair that framed her lightly freckled heart shaped face. Her peaches and cream complexion was the perfect background for dusky pink bow shaped lips.
He moved closer, reached out and gently stroked her cheek. The skin was satiny warmth beneath his caress.
Her pale, green eyes widened in shock and fear. She backed away and fell against the wall, her head connecting with a sickening thud.
He could taste her fear, her pain. Something inside began to gnaw at him. Suddenly like a bolt of light cutting through the darkness, he realized he didn’t want to hurt her or cause her any fear. 
Dammit! Andras hurried through the walls and shimmered back to his home.
The sound of Chainsaw Autopsy, the latest death metal group, pounded through the crumbling walls. Andras threw his out his hands and the front doors flew wide open.
The noise grew louder. “I stalk the night, searching for my prey, the smell of you guides my way. Your fear I feel, your pain I sense, I'll have you yet. You’re running now, I laugh to see, but you'll never get away from me. I'm the Omega baby, come to take you down.” The noise could mean only one thing. His brother Secson. Shit.
Andras’s already frayed nerves unraveled.
“Enough,” Andras screamed in rage. The music immediately disappeared and the house was once more silent.
“You know how to ruin a good time, Andras.”
He turned to face his brother. Secson hadn’t changed and Andras’ shriveled heart sure hadn’t grown fonder out of the absence. “What do you want?”
“Have you found it yet?”
The angel. “Yes.”
“I want to watch you work.”
“Absolutely not. I work alone. Seduction is a one on one experience.”
“Not always.” Secson flashed a nasty smile.
“In my case it is.”
Secson shrugged. “Whatever. I’m still waiting for my first assignment. I can’t stand it.”
That was something Andras could relate to. “There’s nothing like your first conversion. Of course there’s nothing like your first real kill.”
Secson sniffed in derision. “I’ve killed before.”
“Maybe, but nothing compares to your first angel kill.” 

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