Thursday, May 19, 2011

boost mobile blackberry

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  • patp
    Mar 22, 02:56 PM
    Isn't this just a big game of catch up amongst the others (Samsung, RIM etc)?

    Apple is so far ahead in the game it's kind of sad to see the other companies scramble like this.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberry 8350i.
  • oost mobile blackberry 8350i.

  • Pared
    Apr 6, 02:01 PM
    No need to take shots at the Xoom - it's actually nice little device.

    Doesn't have the best polish software-wise... but to act like it is THAT far off from the iPad2 is lunacy.

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberry 8330.
  • oost mobile blackberry 8330.

  • mactoday
    Apr 6, 10:49 AM (

    As reported by Fudzilla ( and HardMac (, Intel is about to launch its next generation Sandy Bridge ultra low voltage CPUs suitable for the MacBook Air.

    Due to the MacBook Air's thin form factor, it has required the use of particularly low power CPUs from Intel. Apple has stuck with Core 2 Duo processors with a maximum Thermal Design Power (TDP) of 10-17W. Apple is believed to have continued to use this older processor design in order to keep NVIDIA's graphics chips powering their ultracompact notebook. Due to licensing disputes (, NVIDIA was prohibited from building newer chipsets that supported Intel's newest processors.

    With the release of Sandy Bridge, Intel upgraded the performance of their integrated graphics chipset. This was good enough ( for Apple to offer in their latest 13" MacBook Pros, so we expect it will be good enough for the upcoming MacBook Airs as well. Apple had been previously rumored ( to be introducing the "Sandy Bridge" MacBook Airs this June.

    HardMac pinpoints the Core i5 2537M (17W) as the possible chip to be used, at least in the 13" model:Meanwhile, the current 11" MacBook air uses an even lower power (10W) processor, but it's not clear how much power savings is offered by removing the need for the NVIDIA graphics chipset, as the Intel solution is integrated within the processor itself.

    Article Link: Intel Launching Next Generation MacBook Air Processors (
    Actually there is Core i7 2657M at 1.6Ghz 2 Cores with HT (4 threads) with turbo up to 2.4Ghz. TDP 17Watt. Looks better chip for top model 13" MacBook Air. Don't you think so? :)

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberry phone.
  • oost mobile blackberry phone.

  • JAT
    Mar 22, 03:57 PM
    The prices are official. Stop this fanboy **** about "it's not released yet".
    Xoom has been released and sells well, although not so much as the iPad, but it still grabs some market share.

    You people keep trying to find problems where there are no problems.

    It's an official announcement, the tablets are officially coming with an official price that makes real front to the iPad, you accepting it or not.

    It's like you fanboy people hate the fact that competitors are doing well.
    The Galaxy Tab 8.9 and 10.1 are thinner than the iPad 2, that must be too much for fanboys hearts.
    I don't own any tablet. I've used an iPad, and found little purpose to owning one myself at this time. That said, I am impressed with what it can do, esp as a gaming and business device. The others....meh.

    "Fanboy" is much more readily applied to someone fawning over a product that is not yet shipping, and claiming it is superior to one that is shipping. Such assertions are absolutely ridiculous. These products aren't "doing well", they are not yet available.

    I find fanboy assertions amusing, hence I post on occasion. :cool:

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  • Blackberry Boost Mobile 7100i

  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 20, 09:40 AM
    I laugh at both dirt games because of this...
    Personally, I think Codemasters do a great job with racing games, but the problem is, the games they make are always a little more geared toward arcade-style racing. Realistic enough to really get you into the feel of rallying, or touring cars, or whatever, but not SO realistic that only pros can play the game. The early "Colin McRae Rally" games were tons of fun for that very reason. I only played the demo for Dirt though, so I can't really speak for it.
    ...Forza 3 online was a much unneeded step backwards.
    I didn't like it at all either... until recently. They've finally added production hoppers, where everyone in the race is using the exact same car. It makes for some GREAT racing. I've only done a few races so far, but they have been some of the best yet.

    boost mobile blackberry. Boost Mobile.
  • Boost Mobile.

  • vincenz
    Apr 6, 10:22 AM
    If the new airs are going to be anywhere near as powerful as the current MacBook pros, they're going to sell for sure.

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberry
  • oost mobile blackberry

  • Thataboy
    Aug 7, 03:36 PM
    I think one of the biggest things is the iChat remote desktop functionality. I have long been wanting very basic Apple Remote Desktop abilities in OS X. It is the perfect way to help a friend or family member troubleshoot a computer problem or teach them how to do a particular task.

    Now, it seems, in iChat, all they have to do is share their screen, and you can take over! (If I am reading the description correctly!)

    Oh yeah, Time Machine is cool. Spaces is alright, reminds me of Logic workspaces. Honestly, I never was so enamoured with Spotlight and Dashboard, but I am glad they are getting updated.

    Now it's time for our crack team of Mac rumors sites to find out what's in Steve's sneaky top secret file folder!! I guess those features will be disabled in the Developer Previews? Because NDA or not, SOMEONE would talk about them.

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberry.
  • oost mobile blackberry.

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 8, 12:03 AM
    Either way it is DEFINITELY poor customer service. If somebody takes the time to drive down to your store and you have stock that has already been received into the inventory system and could be sold and you turn that customer away because the manager is looking out for his performance rating then you just told your customer that the manager's performance goals and ratings are more important than the people who help you achieve those goals with their hard-earned money.

    Amen there brother!

    In working with a family owned type chain store for the last 12+ years; so happy that we take our lumps when hot products come out. Though I miss the days where it was the yearly performance that mattered the most.

    It is maddening at times at how the bean counters and senior management look at things. All one can hope for is a manager like the one that I have that sees my "numbers" don't reflect the way the accounting is done.

    boost mobile blackberry. Blackberry 8330 (Boost Mobile)
  • Blackberry 8330 (Boost Mobile)

  • dougny
    Nov 29, 03:50 PM
    I only registered to respond to this idiot "dougny". I usually just lurk and read what everyone else has to say on here.

    You have no clue what your talking about, all your statistics are wrong and I feel really sorry for whatever artists you represent.
    Your a f_ck_ng moran.

    Anyway, to everyone else....
    Here is the deal. The money Universal got Microsoft never EVER touched the hands of any artists.. it went straight into some very deep pockets. This is exactly what is going to happen with Apple's loot if this little deal goes through.

    Total revenues in the MI (music industry) have actually been UP, and consistently so. More people are going to concerts than ever before, download sales are so large that they are numbing, and BEST OF ALL indie labels are thriving. Yes, people do still buy CD's, and DVD's.

    Wow, you logged on just to show everyone you are an idiot. You actually think because paid downloads are on the rise that record companies are making more money? You are flat out wrong. Also, record companies don't share in concert ticket sales (which are also down BTW).


    boost mobile blackberry. BOOST MOBILE BLACKBERRY 8330

  • shelterpaw
    Jul 20, 10:43 AM
    We just need most software to support that efficiently now.
    It certainly will help. Though most pro apps are optimized for mulit-processors. I know much of Adobe/Macromedia's line is, well I'm not sure about the macromeida products. Apples Pro apps are and most of the DAW's are optimized, like Ableton 5.2/6.0, Cubase, Logic, Pro Tools.

    It will be great is to see games optimized for this, which I do believe will happen now that most OEM's will be sporting mulitiple cores in the future.

    boost mobile blackberry. Boost Mobile is currently
  • Boost Mobile is currently

  • iMikeT
    Aug 5, 07:36 PM
    I can't wait!

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberry 8530.
  • oost mobile blackberry 8530.

  • svenas1
    Jul 15, 04:55 AM
    The thing that perplexes me is the relocation of the Power Supply to the top. This is either bogus info or they know something they aren't letting on about all the Liquid Cooling problems that have been arising lately in the repair world.
    Plus would this not put a strain on the power cord since the cord would have its own weight hanging down on it instead of how it currently comes out of the back of the tower and immediately lays on the floor or desk surface? Something's fishy about this.

    what if the plug is still at the bottom, and the connection to the actual power unit is internal? high voltage connection through the case innards - is that possible ?

    boost mobile blackberry. the BlackBerry Curve 8530
  • the BlackBerry Curve 8530

  • bretm
    Jul 20, 10:45 AM
    My first job as a graphic designer I used an enhanced SE/30 (with 20" external monitor). About a year later we upgraded to the Quadras, so I guess that makes me #5?

    I think I used a SE 25 with a 12" monitor.

    I also remember the first mac I purchased was the cheapest PowerMac they had. I remember upgrading the RAM from 8mb to 16mb and it cost over $300 for that 8mb chip!

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberry curve
  • oost mobile blackberry curve

  • GekkePrutser
    Apr 6, 11:13 AM
    IMHO i would love to see an 11.6 MBA with an i3. So that there could still be enough power for backlit.
    And please, do make the screen better for the 11.6

    There isn't an i3 in any low voltage or ultra low voltage spec for Sandy Bridge.

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberry phone.
  • oost mobile blackberry phone.

  • tortoise
    Aug 22, 05:19 PM
    The next Xeon is Clovertown, which is just Woodcrest scaled to 4 cores with a few changes in clock and FSB etc. Tigerton comes next, also 4 cores but MP capable (3+ chips possible) and with a possibility of increased FSB speed, bigger L2 cache and so on.

    This will likely suck, because the interconnect Intel is using is just too damn slow. Putting four cores in the same package will just make the situation worse, because a lot of applications are significantly limited by memory performance.

    The Woodcrest processors have been put through their paces pretty well on the supercomputing lists, and their Achille's heal is the memory subsystem. Current generation AMD Opterons still clearly outscale Woodcrest in real-world memory bandwidth with only two cores. Unless Intel pulls a rabbit out of their hat with their memory architecture issues when the quad core is released, AMDs quad core is going to embarrass them because of the memory bottleneck. And AMD is already starting to work on upgrading their already markedly superior memory architecture.

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  • Motorola i1 | Boost Mobile

  • twoodcc
    Nov 12, 06:09 PM
    Here's the official release notice from Sony.

    as well as the car list and the track list.

    I'm disappointed the Bugatti Veyron is standard only, and not surprised there's no Porsches, since I believe the license to use Porsches are exclusive to EA, no other game from any company really has them. But, I am hoping that GT5 will be released on the 24th, for real this time, instead of being pushed back for the 40,000,001st time.

    thanks for the links! now i gotta decide if i wanna preorder or not

    boost mobile blackberry. Boost Mobile is quietly
  • Boost Mobile is quietly

  • daneoni
    Aug 25, 03:52 PM
    Another person who can never be satisfied.:rolleyes:

    What is that even supposed to mean?

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberries.
  • oost mobile blackberries.

  • Bakey
    Apr 5, 06:09 PM
    A very ignorant post. Especially if you value quality. I hardly call providing the best quality video "sucking money out of home consumers"

    Or are you one of those that want to insist that streaming "hd" video is just as good as blu-ray. Because if you are - you shouldn't have even weighed in here.

    No need to school you on the difference here though unless you come back and tell me you still think there's no difference.

    +1... Maybe I should've snipped the quote, but I couldn't agree more! :)

    boost mobile blackberry. oost mobile blackberries.
  • oost mobile blackberries.

  • Popeye206
    Mar 31, 04:16 PM
    And the Apple haters do yet another 180...

    1. Macs

    1995 to 2007: Don't use a Mac. Noone uses Macs.
    2007 to Present: Don't use a Mac. Everyone uses a Mac.

    2. Apps

    1995 to 2/22/2011: Don't use Apple. There is no software and they can't do anything.
    2/22 to Present: Apps? Who needs Apps as long as you have a robust UI?

    3. Open

    2007 to Today: Apple is a walled garden that only stupid lemmings use.
    Today going forward: Controlling the OS is necessary and good for the consumer.

    +1! Love this analogy!

    You could also add to it:

    1984-1991: GUI? Who needs a GUI? Real computers use command lines!
    1999 - Vista: Thank goodness that Microsoft invented the GUI interface.


    Aug 17, 05:33 PM
    With no intention of jumping into the argument in question here, I have a slight issue with your definition of a gamer. I'm an intermediate photoshop user, web designer, and gamer. I don't just use my computer for games or work, there's this huge gray area in the middle. For me, the Mac Pro is the best of all worlds. I wouldn't dare rely on Windows for my workflow, design, and productivity software, OS X is a must for me. However, the ability to duat boot into Windows and play games natively is a bonus, one that I'm willing to pay a premium for, and whether or not it's even a premium is up for debate. Sure, I could build a PC just for games but if I can't run OS X ever then that machine is useless for me.

    I'd be surprised if there weren't many more people out there who welcome the power of the Mac Pros for work and play, recognizing of course that the majority of buyers will be professionals.

    well said

    as for xp vs. os x, i can live with xp if i had to and do the adobe stuff on it, but i would always be looking over my shoulder for viruses and junk filling up my machine every time i went online

    i would also have to invest in a virus suite and keep the darn thing updated all the time

    all i have ever put on macs has been anti-virus and have never run into any problems and as for even seeing a virus on an unprotected mac, as a tech for 7 years, i haven't

    i do love that "mac dude and pc dude" commercial campaign that apple has been putting out and i hope some pc only users see the light

    Feb 28, 06:32 PM
    Where did I say he could not have an opinion? All I said was that his opinion should have no bearing on my life.

    Agreed, but when you air your opinions in public, others have the right to challenge them.

    I acknowledge that I misspoke. Opinions like this should be checked. Carry on.

    Aug 27, 03:08 PM
    PowerBook G5 next tuesday?

    I havn't been here long, but I don't get it. :confused:

    Apr 11, 06:48 AM
    Well, I can say this much:

    I don't care if they change the interface, because if the new version doesn't fix the LONGSTANDING issues with FCP, my post house is dumping FCP and moving to Avid and I'll have to get used to a new interface anyway.

    Sick of bad file handling, sick of flawed roundtripping, sick of ****** multicore support, sick of stupid little idiosyncrasies that make sense to nobody I've ever spoken to in the industry.

    Apple needs to get their **** in gear or they're going to lose a lot of their FCP install base, not many places are happy with it anymore.

    I don't think anyone is worried about interface changes. Its more of Apple "re-inventing" how NLE's work aka making it "iMoviePro". I fully agree with your gripes about where FCP is right now. We are moving rest our FCP suits to Avid MC if Apple can't pull it together. Regarding the move from FCP to Avid MC 5.5 - its is very easy due to 5.5 flexibility towards the way FCP editors used to work.

    Aug 6, 03:10 AM
    No Macbook Pros?? I hope there won't be any. My MBP gets to stay top of the line for few more weeks ;)

    This kind of thinking is truly lame, just buy a Dell and go for penis enlargement surgury with the money you saved. No one will know the difference.

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