Tuesday, May 24, 2011

cool ipod touch 4g backgrounds

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  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:43 PM
    Noob you think you know a lot, but you obviously don't. I work in the cell industry creating software for mobile phones. I have had EVERY major US carrier and as recently as the beginning of this year I've done testing of the big 4 (VZW, Sprint, Cingular, T-Mo) and I can tell you that the coverage differs greatly amongst them. Congrats on your great coverage with T-Mo. As someone who regularly travels in the Midwest, Toronot area, and San Jose, I can most assuredly tell you that T-Mo Coverage != Cingular coverage everywhere.

    Oh, and I doubt the coverage map for T-Mobile is in error in GA, FL, and other states when nearly the entire state is NOT COVERED on their own coverage map.


    Well, to be fair, your radio ROM/software can have some effect on your reception, and different companies release different radio software at different times, and that can have some effect.

    My 8125 has a t-mobile radio ROM, but I run it on cingular. There are a few wrinkles in that, but you are generally correct.

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  • notabadname
    Mar 22, 04:06 PM
    It's simple: Apple is always behind hardware-wise because they like to priorize esthetics and appearance

    Android phones are selling more than iPhone.

    I've only bought the first iPad because there were no competitors at that time (and I hate netbooks), but now things are different. To be honest, A LOT different.

    1st point: It's factually inaccurate to make your first statement, as evidenced by your last statement. Kind of funny, don't you think?

    In your second statement, you are comparing all Android software-running phones to a single model/product line, the iPhone. The iPhone (each generation) has out sold any single phone model (generation) over it's life than that of any offered by any other hardware manufacturer.

    Your comparison is like saying Toyota has sold more cars than Ford has sold F-150s. That may be true, but the F-150 is still the number one selling truck in the US, even though it does not outsell the sum total of all other trucks by all other manufacturers.

    You should compare a single phone model, say Motorola Droid or HTC Incredible. You are simply talking software. Apple is primarily a hardware company that happens to make the software for its hardware. (yes, I know about FCP and other software) They do not license the iOS software to other manufacturers, so comparison to Google's OS and number of DIFFERENT phones it runs on is really irrelevant to whether any hardware manufacturer has had a more successful phone than the iPhone.

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  • ~Shard~
    Aug 11, 10:16 AM
    These rumors surrounding the iPhone have been around for quite a while now, so I sure hope it becomes reality sooner rather than later. Who knows, if it�s really good I may actually buy my first cell phone ever. :cool:

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  • ImNoSuperMan
    Jul 27, 10:33 AM
    T minus 11 days...............

    Cant wait.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 6, 01:09 PM
    People who keep waiting for the next rev will never buy a computer. The "right time to buy" is probably not until the Macbook Air has Skymont in 2015. :p

    Oh come on dude:) Theres certainly a balance...for instance, youd have been crazy to buy a MBP a 3 months ago (unless of course you NEEDED it). Now, I totally dig your criticism that some folks take that too far.

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  • tortoise
    Aug 7, 06:14 PM
    Why not just improve the Backup program that comes with .Mac or include it for free? Do we really need another interface? To me it looks like form over function.

    You are out of your mind. A true versioning file system is insanely useful, and has been a Holy Grail file system feature that has not existed largely because it requires some significant unused disk space and disk performance to use it -- it is not a cheap feature to implement. Once you have it and applications start to use its functionality it will be like the internet: you will wonder how you got on in the computer world without it.

    I do not care how they presented it, if it works as advertised then it is a "killer app" that will cause many people to part with their hard-earned money (myself included).

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  • OhEsTen
    Jul 14, 02:34 PM
    I figured Apple didn't change the cases for the powerbooks (MBP) MacBook's and mini's and iMac's for a reason...

    It reminds people that nothing has really changed about them other than their brains (which is a big deal for sure - it just keep people from thinking Apple's going out of business...)

    I remember when Apple made their announcement a year ago about the Intel switch - Macworld running an article about "what it all means" and "is this death for Apple?" - some people were a bit freaked out (which was completely understandable from the netburst point of view) - but keeping the same enclosures for the first round of intel boxes helps people not freak out.... maybe.

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  • cool ipod touch 4g wallpapers.

  • Sydde
    Mar 22, 12:50 AM
    ...the US's role will remain very limited. Like the Gulf War, we will let our Arab League allies be the first ones across the border, and give the security operations to the French and British.
    This makes me want to go have lunch at the Cafe My Lai.

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  • ipod touch 4g backgrounds. Our iPhone 4 / iPod Touch 4G; Our iPhone 4 / iPod Touch 4G. alphaod. Dec 4, 05:08 PM. I#39;ve been doing B-spec the whole time.

  • Snowy_River
    Jul 27, 02:55 PM
    Pretty cool, but it needs a real name, MAC won't cut it. Maybe Mac Express?

    And it wouldn't have FW800 or a second optical slot. Probably a second HD slot instead. And I'd guess it would be more of a pizza box enclosure, but that's wild speculation. Your price is probably way too low, too.

    I'm not sure why you're saying this price is way too low. The specs, so far as I can see, are quite similar to the current bottom-end iMac, which has an integrated screen, and it's price is only $300 more. It seems to me that this price is actually about right.

    Also, I think that the name 'Mac' is a distinct possibility. Not saying I like it (or that I don't), or that it isn't simplistic, but I think that it's not unreasonable. FWIW, 'Mac Express' is nice, too, but I don't see Apple jumping on a name like that as quickly.

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  • Sydde
    Mar 17, 01:48 PM
    Ultra FAIL fear mongering. Libertarian ≠ Anarchist. Small government ≠ no government. Limiting government with constitutional constraints ≠ destruction of government.
    He's a common sense constitutional conservative, enemy of tyranny everywhere, and an unfailing defender of fundamental human liberty.

    OK, I confess, "shut down" was a slight exaggeration. But as the paragon of neo-liberalism, Paul would wholly gut every little regulatory agency that provides any kind of buffer that protects people and businesses from the depredations of corporate interests, instead electing to enact policies that would protect corporations from the depredations of people. That would be the net effect of his idealism, and if you take five minutes to read the article I linked to, it will become evident that Paul's lasseiz-faire ideals have been proven to fail miserably (unless you are already loaded). Heck, we have seen parallels in the lingering devastation caused by Reagan's policies.

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  • iPhone 4 amp; iPod Touch 4G

  • Virtualball
    Apr 19, 02:19 PM
    Well if I'm wrong about the information, then I don't think anyone will argue about the fact that the Palm OS has been around since 1996, and the Apple iPhone uses a similar interface..

    All I'm saying is that If there were devices using a similar interface before the iPhone came out I don't see how its fair to sue anyone for it..


    Sigh, you're entirely missing the point of this case. No one's arguing that there's been a grid of icons before, it's just that Samsung went the extra step. See, Android itself doesn't have a near-identical desktop, but TouchWiz does. TouchWiz is what you see here, the icons have been made into squares (like the iPhone), there's now a Dock with frequently used apps with a grey background to distinguish it (like the iPhone), it has a black background (meh) but it uses white dots to note the page it's on (like the iPhone). They went the extra mile to provide an iPhone-like experience for their Android devices.

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  • daneoni
    Aug 26, 09:26 AM
    Get with what program? I went to the support site on the day the recall was announced, checked to see if my serial number was in the range, it wasn't, and I went on with my life. Just to be safe, I even checked back a couple days later, and the ranges were still the same as the first time I checked.

    I had to do the same thing wheh I was checking out our Dell laptops at the office. It's really not that difficult a concept. I think some people just like to have something to complain about.

    Some sites were reporting wrong ranges, at the end of the day its which site alerts you first, in my case it was MR and they didnt get it right (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060824134647.shtml) initially which is.......confusing

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  • peharri
    Jul 14, 03:11 PM
    Some of this makes sense, some of it not.

    I think AppleInsider is right about the case. With the exception of the MacBook, whose design has been rumoured for years and clearly was something Apple would have done even had this been the "iBook G5", Apple has made it a point with all of their Intelizations to use the same case as the predecessor, as if to say "It's business as usual, all we've changed is the processor." So from that point of view, the PowerMac G5 case being, more or less, the Mac Pro case, makes a lot of sense.

    Two optical drives? No, sorry, not seeing the reasoning. The reasons given so far don't add up:

    - copying DVDs - you can't legally copy 99% of DVDs anyway, if there was no need for twin CD drives, why would there suddenly be for DVDs?
    - burning two at once - few people need this, and it's a great sales opportunity for a Firewire external burner anyway. Hell, why stop at TWO?
    - Blu-ray - not unless they're really screwed up BR and drives with BR will be incompatible with existing media or something.

    Against this, you have the confusion generated by a Mac with two optical drives. I have a Mac with two optical drives (an in-built combo drive, and a FW DVD burner), and it's not terribly elegant. It's fine when reading disks (obviously), but writing them generates some confusion. How sure am I that I'm burning to the right drive? I'm not saying you can't do it, I'm just saying this would be unbelievably un-Mac like. It'd be like the next version of iTunes coming with a menu at the top of its window.

    It's also kind of easy to see where this rumour might have originated, in some garbled communication where the rumourmonger says "Two optical drive formats", or "Two bays", or "Multiple media readers" (hey, why not put an SD/CF/MS reader on the front? Pretty much everyone uses them these days, especially the prosumer-market Apple is after. Bet there are more people who'd use an SD card reader than a Firewire port.)

    I've been wrong before, but I'm going to go for a traditional PowerMac G5 enclosure, and a single optical drive which may, or may not, support Blu-ray in some shape or form.

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  • Danksi
    Aug 15, 01:20 PM
    Premiere Pro, for an example, is starting to use GPU-accelerated effects, I think it's a trend that will soon be coming over to FCP.

    I'd get the 2.6 ghz, then add another graphics card in the future if the current one doesn't suffice.

    Good to know. Thanks.

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  • Hurda
    Apr 27, 08:38 AM
    "Calculating a phone's location using just GPS satellite data can take up to several minutes."

    Then how is car-navigation working?

    Apple - Locating different :D:apple:

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  • faroZ06
    Apr 27, 08:39 AM
    Things don't just happen without money. People are increasingly adverse to paying for items like apps or news, or are only willing to pay so much, such that marketing needs to subsidise the product (e.g. pay TV, sport etc.).

    There's no such thing as a free lunch.

    Everything you see that is free is paid for by ads. Everything is made cheaper by them. Just ignore them.

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  • BaldiMac
    Apr 19, 02:27 PM
    So the interesting fact is:

    Verizon iPhone release didn't help Apple to stop losing marketshare although everyone said the deal will quadruple iPhone sales. :rolleyes:

    iPhone Q1/11: 19 million (+ 2.5 million)
    Android Q1/11: 38 million (+8 million)

    Ouch. No wonder they are now sueing HTC and Samsung. If you can't beat them in the market, beat them in court. Apple must have learned that from Nokia (like they learned the choppy animations when you start third party apps in iOS 4.3.2 from Symbian).

    Sigh. The iPhone is still gaining market share. Not losing market share.

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 13, 04:53 AM
    The longer the wait, the less likely for my family to buy it.

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  • MCIowaRulz
    Apr 5, 08:44 PM
    I agree I for see FCP needing Mac OS X Lion

    Apr 5, 06:46 PM
    As someone who's attended NAB yearly, (and again this year) Apple has not had a presence there since and currently are NOT on the exhibitor list for this years convention. Will take pics if I'm wrong though.

    Nov 12, 09:58 AM
    Sony have set a new release date: November 24th (this year, if you were wondering). So then, 12 days to go, unless you're one of the lucky ones who's already managed to get a copy ;)


    Aug 26, 04:36 PM
    I happen to have a Yonah Macbook, and im a little concerned.
    I wonder, if merom does make it into the Macbooks did i make a mistake by buying my computer before i had to (as in next friday is the cutoff)
    I wonder if Merom is really that good. *it sucks that macbooks dont have PGA slots*
    well im hoping to sell this one next year, and thatll get me most of the way to my santa rosa beast, cuz i KNOW santa rosa is that good.

    Apr 8, 08:14 AM
    Aren't retail stores in the business of, you know, making sales? Why the F would they artificially limit the sales of a given product? Makes zero sense unless they just wanted to be douchey and keep people returning day after day to drive up foot traffic and hope for other spillover sales foam impulse purchases. But could that be worth all that much?

    Reminds me of a true story - went into one of those pre-made sandwich shops because I need to feed a horde unexpectedly, and quickly. I asked for all their stock of three different kinds of sandwich. The woman behind the counter said "but sir what will we sell to other people!".

    Bizarre way to run a business.

    Aug 6, 01:45 PM
    Um, http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=odbjam.2.2Apple is described as an "Applicant".

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