Thursday, May 19, 2011

harry potter cast members

harry potter cast members. Cast members
  • Cast members

  • Frobozz
    Jul 30, 08:13 PM
    I've built a gaming PC around the Core 2 Duo E6700. I'd like to be able to install OS X on it, because the only reason why I'd ever use Windows is for the latest games. Here are the spec's, think this would run OS X nicely? ;-)

    Intel 975XBX Motherboard
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 (should overclock to around 3.2 to 3.5 GHz with my Zalman CNPS9500 AT air cooler)
    ATI Crossfire x1900 (crossfire master card)
    Sapphire ATI x1900xt (in crossfire)
    1GB Crucial Ballistix DDR2 800 Memory
    2 x 320GB Seagate Perpendicular Recording SATA2 HD's in RAID 1
    Antec Trupower II 550 watt power supply
    Antec P180 case in black

    ... keep in mind I am a diehard Mac fan, but I've always wanted to build a gaming rig since I'm a hardcore gamer. After all, I'm writing this entry on my MacBook Pro. Mmmmm.

    harry potter cast members. Harry Potter
  • Harry Potter

  • applesith
    Apr 11, 02:03 PM
    LOL at all of the people saying it's a big mistake and bad move on Apple's part. They know what they are doing. Why would they do something that would hurt their iPhone sales?!

    They just put out the iPhone 4 verizon. If they refresh in June they will have to do both AT&T and Verizon. Otherwise, Verizon will always play second fiddle with updates. Dumb move. They are waiting for enough time to pass where it won't be just 6 months between verizon updates.

    harry potter cast members. harry potter cast members. the
  • harry potter cast members. the

  • shawnce
    Jul 14, 10:48 PM
    For those considering the 750GB Seagate perpendicular recording drives

    get perpendicular (

    harry potter cast members. HARRY POTTER CAST MEMBERS

  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 11, 10:14 AM
    We always have "next tuesday"

    harry potter cast members. Harry Potter cast members
  • Harry Potter cast members

  • treblah
    Aug 5, 04:20 PM
    what is the link for the QT page? :p

    harry potter cast members. harry potter cast members.
  • harry potter cast members.

  • Jimmy James
    Apr 6, 02:12 PM
    I used to own an iPad 1, gave it away, didn't want an iPad 2. Why do I need two devices of the same OS where the UI was designed for the iPhone (smaller device) to begin with?

    As was pointed out by a previous poster, iOS was developed for tablet use.

    Perhaps you should own an iPad and an Android phone?

    harry potter cast members. cast and crew members
  • cast and crew members

  • cyberbeats
    Jul 21, 07:11 AM
    i've just sold my dual g5 because
    i plan to buy a new macpro in august.
    But seems that it will be already obsolate after 3 months.
    Please can you tell me if the socket of woodcrest
    will make the macpro upgradable one day,
    or these new type of processors need differet socket?

    harry potter cast members. harry potter cast members.
  • harry potter cast members.

  • playaj82
    Aug 7, 03:37 PM
    If the rumor sites were right....

    Mac Pro
    Core 2 Duo
    Tablet, etc...

    the keynote would have been 6 hours.
    I'm glad they took their time with Leopard and highlighted some neat new and much needed additions to tiger.

    harry potter cast members. the Harry Potter universe.
  • the Harry Potter universe.

  • SevenInchScrew
    Dec 7, 11:08 AM
    Does GT5 support using the clutch pedal in a wheel such as the G25? I was disappointed with GT5:P that you can't use it...
    But, you COULD use the clutch in GT5:P. When the race starts, hit Triangle and the clutch works. You had to do this every race, so it wasn't the most elegant of solutions, but it did work.

    harry potter cast members. The “Harry Potter” Cast Gets
  • The “Harry Potter” Cast Gets

  • Simiber
    Apr 25, 02:17 PM
    IANAL, but AFAIK, here in America, having rights infringed upon is reason for sueing. That, in itself, is a "damage". Hence why Apple is being sued. They apparently are infringing upon the consumers' rights to privacy.

    But how would a judge or jury quantify the size of the claim..? And surely the settlement should go to everyone who has had their right infringed upon, hence why a regulatory body should be responsible for protecting the people's rights so that any fine imposed by the regulator can be further used to protect peoples right to privacy when using a mobile..?

    I understand the fact that the people who sue are taking the risk and costs of the lawsuit, but surely there are times when people's rights are being infringed but because nobody is prepared to sue, nothing ever gets done... If it was primarily the responsibility of a regulatory body to protect the consumer, then people's right to privacy would be protected not only when someone felt they had a case that they could make money out of :/

    harry potter cast members. Harry Potter Premie.jpg
  • Harry Potter Premie.jpg

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 12:16 PM
    These people never stop do they? I don't remember anyone asking bush or any other president about their educational records, plus the one time they shed light on bush's military record it just seemed to disappear into thin air.

    At least new the president's chances of getting re-elected in 2012 just skyrocketed.

    A few things.... Hilary did get the ball rolling before Obama was nominated...

    And all presidents are plagued by these wacky conspiracy theories... GWB had his military service issues and the truther movement, WJC had "Clinton Bodycount" (arguably more insane and dark than the birther thing), Kennedy had plenty, etc...

    What I dont understand is the "outrage" we are seeing over this. People claim Obama is not a citizen. Ok, well its crazy sounding, but its not dark or destructive. How about the truther movement? That is pure insidiousness.


    harry potter cast members. harry potter cast pictures.
  • harry potter cast pictures.

  • Sydde
    Mar 17, 01:48 PM
    Ultra FAIL fear mongering. Libertarian ≠ Anarchist. Small government ≠ no government. Limiting government with constitutional constraints ≠ destruction of government.
    He's a common sense constitutional conservative, enemy of tyranny everywhere, and an unfailing defender of fundamental human liberty.

    OK, I confess, "shut down" was a slight exaggeration. But as the paragon of neo-liberalism, Paul would wholly gut every little regulatory agency that provides any kind of buffer that protects people and businesses from the depredations of corporate interests, instead electing to enact policies that would protect corporations from the depredations of people. That would be the net effect of his idealism, and if you take five minutes to read the article I linked to, it will become evident that Paul's lasseiz-faire ideals have been proven to fail miserably (unless you are already loaded). Heck, we have seen parallels in the lingering devastation caused by Reagan's policies.

    harry potter cast members. Young Harry Potter Cast
  • Young Harry Potter Cast

  • iMrNiceGuy0023
    Jun 9, 01:21 AM
    I think this will be great for AT&T and Apple....Radio Shack is the closest store out of AT&T and Apple Store

    Radio Shack and Best Buy use the same AT&T POS system to upgrade and activate phones

    I got my 3G and 3GS from Best Buy.....but i'll go to Radio Shack for my iPhone 4

    Looks like AT&T and Apple are looking to do big numbers with this release

    harry potter cast members. Harry Potter and the Order of
  • Harry Potter and the Order of

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 19, 12:01 PM
    So the Apple crew is simply waiting on marketing until they release these new laptops? Exactly how much marketing needs to go into a slight update? I understand that these are 64-bit processors but the average consumer has no clue what that means to begin with. Waiting for the marketing crew seems really strange to me, should they have not already been ready for this transition by now? Just make a box on the front page that has a picture of a MBP and let it say "the fastest just got faster" or something.

    Yeah, what kind of marketing have they done for the new iMacs? What did they need to do before they pushed it out? If C2D MBP's are just sitting there ready to head out, why is marketting sitting on their hands?

    harry potter cast members. Harry Potter Star got Swine
  • Harry Potter Star got Swine

  • REDolution
    Apr 12, 05:05 PM
    For me personally, as a proud Red One owner, I really hope that the new FCP has native RED support without Log and Transfer and can also utilise our RED Rocket.

    harry potter cast members. harry potter cast members. is
  • harry potter cast members. is

  • Cygnus311
    Aug 27, 12:04 PM
    Because, just as there are Mac fanboys, there are also Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony fanboys. As much as we'd like to think our platform of choice is clearly the best, in all actually, each one has something unique to offer that the other may lack.

    But that doesn't make Nintendo (or Microsoft or Sony) suck. Fanboys just make themselves suck by being fanboys. :)

    harry potter cast members. The fifth Harry Potter film
  • The fifth Harry Potter film

  • bibbz
    Jun 11, 12:01 PM
    My DM told me we can open anytime we want to no later than 8am. I have a best buy and ATT corporate store directly accross the street from me. Im waiting for them to announce when they are opening and ill be open 1 hr before them if they open at 6am, im openening at 5am.

    harry potter cast members. Cast members at premiere of
  • Cast members at premiere of

  • Erasmus
    Jul 20, 11:21 PM
    The nec-plus-ultra would be thinking of a result and getting it (or saying it to your computer) like a photoshop user going: "Well, I would like the sun being more dominant in that picture, the power lines removed, and make those persons look younger". Boom. It happens.

    That would require Artificial Intelligence. If a computer can understand your speech, recognise your choice of words and understands that you don't neccessarily mean what you say all the time, then that's AI. If it can recognise specific objects in an "analogue" media such as a photograph, (I don't care if its a digital photo or not), it's AI. If it can then implement what it has learned alongside its infinite computational precision to remake a photo, while keeping it completely realistic, and making it look exactly how we wanted it to look, that's amazing, and lots of people will be out of jobs.

    But if you have an AI system working for you, what's the point of working? ;)

    BTW, I mean proper "hard" AI, not some pathetic "Ooh, forom your phone number you must live there, therefore I'll direct you to that Pizza Hut outlet! Aren't I smart!" type of AI.

    Erasmus 4 AI, Nuclear Power, GM, Stem Cell Research, and every other form of Science and Technology. Our lives will only benefit from all these, as will our community and our planet.

    Don't Hurt Me.

    I have to ask again, even though others already have, is Kentsfield a drop-in replacement for Conroe, if either a Mid-Tower or the iMac get Conroe? (Or Cloverton or whatever the desktop one is)

    Still hanging out for WWDC2006.

    harry potter cast members. Harry Potter Cast Staying Same
  • Harry Potter Cast Staying Same

  • MyDesktopBroke
    Mar 24, 10:48 AM
    Amazing to see how most Democrats are willing to lie to themselves and ignore the hypocritical truth all around them... the leftist side of the antiwar movement is all but gone, but not because the policies have changed, only because the man has changed.

    What Happened to the Antiwar Movement? (

    How does that Nobel Peace Prize taste now? Hopey? Changey?

    This is cherry picking. As I pointed out earlier, even liberal sites like DailyKos and HuffPo (as well as NYT, MSNBC, etc.) are running critical cases against intervention and Obama's "imperial" (HuffPo) tactics. Dennis Kucinich even said Obama had committed an impeachable offense.

    Also, what about Mr. Gingrich (and just about every other GoP bigwig), who a week ago, before Obama had taken action, was blasting the president for letting the Libyan people suffer? Then as soon as Obama acts, Newt blasts him for that, too. (

    The right pro-war machine is all but gone. The policies haven't changed, but the party of the president has.

    Aug 11, 04:37 PM
    How dare you. Since when does apple release a product that is not up to par or even above. Of course they will do it good, it is apple. It is going to be amazing i can just feel it!

    Uhh...Motion version 1 was complete crap...totally unusable. Aperture...slow as Christmas, and has serious image degradation problems.

    Don't buy into all the hype.

    Apple's stock keeps sinking, and they're being investigated by the SEC (or on the brink), so this could be a rumor that's being intentionally leaked to satisfy Wall Street.

    Aug 11, 05:57 PM
    These rumors have been going for so long. Since right? 3 Years is a lot for technology.

    But atleast we know they can't be just sitting there. With both the nano, and iPod with video being almost 1 year old, they can't just be sitting there. :)

    Just gimme a new iPod & "iPhone". :)

    Apr 27, 09:18 AM
    His middle name is Hussein?!!?!? OMG!

    He could have released this years ago.

    Jul 14, 03:17 PM
    Some of this makes sense, some of it not.

    I think AppleInsider is right about the case. With the exception of the MacBook, whose design has been rumoured for years and clearly was something Apple would have done even had this been the "iBook G5", Apple has made it a point with all of their Intelizations to use the same case as the predecessor, as if to say "It's business as usual, all we've changed is the processor." So from that point of view, the PowerMac G5 case being, more or less, the Mac Pro case, makes a lot of sense.

    Two optical drives? No, sorry, not seeing the reasoning. The reasons given so far don't add up:

    - copying DVDs - you can't legally copy 99% of DVDs anyway, if there was no need for twin CD drives, why would there suddenly be for DVDs?
    - burning two at once - few people need this, and it's a great sales opportunity for a Firewire external burner anyway. Hell, why stop at TWO?
    - Blu-ray - not unless they're really screwed up BR and drives with BR will be incompatible with existing media or something.

    As per ownership rights listed by the US copyright office you're allowed to make backup copies of all personally owned material. Now DVD makers would like to make that impossible as it supports the subsequent illegal activity however, strictly legal speaking there is absolutely nothing illegal about making a copy of your DVD's (selling/distributing is where you cross the legal/illegal line)

    Apr 19, 03:18 PM
    HA I knew you were going to say that. developer prefer to develop for iOS. iOS user spend more money on Apps than Android user. Plus iPod Touch user can use the same apps as the iPhone. There won't be a Windows for the smartphones theres already too many players in the game.

    Well Rovio (Angry Birds) thinks otherwise:

    "The company said in December that it expected to make $1 million per month from Android by the end of 2010. (...) Now that the app has seen about 100 million installs across all platforms, Rovio is not getting the same initial bump in paid download revenue from Apple�s app store. On Android, the company doesn�t offer paid Angry Birds apps, but sees recurring revenue from advertising."

    So they make more money with their free Android version than they do with the paid iOS version.

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