Friday, May 13, 2011

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 5, 04:05 PM
    Godwins Law "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"

    Yes, Germans still tie their shoes by making little "knotsies/nazis"and the real reason Hitler committed suicide was that he got his gas bill.

    It won't be long before somebody posts the Hitler and the Dallas Cowboys clip as Hitler and the iphone.


    ivanka trump plastic surgery pics. Even with cosmetic surgery not
  • Even with cosmetic surgery not

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 10, 06:21 PM
    So he is the man. Does he do your taxes?:D

    Nope, but considering the level of math it takes to do taxes, he could :D. Should I ask him if he would do yours for you?

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  • ivanka trump plastic surgery

  • kntgsp
    Apr 20, 03:40 AM
    They can keep the form factor, just give us a bigger screen. Stretch it to the bezel.

    That thing is dying for a 4", hell even a 3.7" screen.

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  • anti-plastic surgery,

  • Manic Mouse
    Sep 11, 08:51 AM
    I really think they should have a seperate app for the movies/tv shows, or rename and overhaul iTunes. Making things too complicated and hard to use is something Apple strives against and by incorperating too much functionality into a MUSIC player will make it hard to use and confusing for customers. iTunes, strangely, should be for "tunes". It makes no sense, at least from the name, to think that there would be movies/tv shows in there.

    Why not take the DVD-player app in OSX and turn that into the new TV show/Movie player (as well as DVDs) while iTunes plays MP3/CDs. That makes much more sense. You should also be able to rip DVD's though this new app as you would CDs in iTunes.

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  • ivanka trump plastic surgery.

  • MikeTheC
    Nov 25, 10:46 PM
    All this talk about Palm needing to modernize their OS, or it is outdated, or needing to re-write is absolutely hilarious.

    On a phone, I want to use its features quickly and easily. When I have to schedule an appointment, I want to enter that appointment as easily as possible. When I want to add something to my to-do list, I want to do it easily and quickly. And first and foremost, I want to be able to look up a contact and dial it as quickly as possible.

    A phone is not a personal computer. I couldn't care less about multitasking, rewriting, "modern" OSes (whatever "modern" means). "Modern" features and look is just eye candy and/or toys. A mobile phone is a gadget of convenience, and it should be convenient to use. Even PalmOS 1.0 was convenient. It was just as easy to use its contact and calendar features as any so-called "modern" OS is today.

    I would really like to know how "modernizing" the OS on my phone would help me look up contacts, dial contacts, enter to-do list entries, and entering calendar entries any better that I could today.

    Again, I repeat: a phone is not a personal computer. There's no point in treating it as such.

    The same point could largely be made about cars, but I don't think either of us would want to be driving a Model T or Model A Ford these days, would we?

    The term "Modern" as applied to operating systems has little to do with the interface per se. It primarily concerns the underpinnings of the OS and how forward-looking and/or open-ended it is. Older operating systems, if you want to look at it in this way, were very geared to the hardware of their times, and every time you added a new hardware feature or some new kind of technology came out, you wound up making this big patchwork of an OS, in which you had either an out-dated or obsolete "core" around which was stuck, somewhat unglamorously, lots of crap to allow it to do stuff it wasn't really designed for. Then, you wound up having to write patches for the patches, etc., ad infinitum.

    Apple tried to go the internal development route, but that didn't work because their departmental infrastructure was eating them from the inside out at the time and basically poisoned all of their new projects. They considered BeOS because it was an incredibly modern OS at the time that was very capable, unbelievably good at multitasking, memory protection, multimedia tasks, etc. However, that company was so shaky that when Apple decided not to go with them, they collapsed. One of the products which was introduced and sold and almost immediately recalled that used a version of BeOS was Sony's eVilla (you just have to love that name -- try pronouncing it out loud to get the full effect).

    Ultimately, they went with NeXT's BSD- and Mach-Kernel-based NeXTStep (which after a bunch of time and effort and -- since lots of it is based on Open Source software, there were a healthy amount of community contributions to) and hence we now have Mac OS X.

    I'll leave it to actual developers and/or coders here to better explain and refine (and/or correct) what I've said here, should you wish greater detail beyond what I am able to -- and therefore have -- provided above.

    The whole point of going with a modern OS implemented for an imbedded market (i.e. "Mac OS X Mobile") is it gives you much more direct (and probably better implemented and/or better-grounded) access to modern technologies. Everything from basic I/O tasks that reside in the Kernel to audio processing to doing H.264 decoding to having access to IPv4 or IPv6, are all examples of things which a modern OS could do a better job of providing and/or backing.

    From what I understand, PalmOS is something that was designed to first and foremost give you basic notepad and daily organizer functionality. When they wrote, as you say, PalmOS 1.0, they happened to implement a way for third parties to write software that could run on it. This has been both a benefit and a bane of PalmOS's existence. First off, they now have the same issues of backwards-compatibility and storage space and memory use/abuse that a regular computer OS has. I said it was both a benefit and a bane; but there's actually two parts to the "bane" side. The first I've already mentioned, but the second is the fact that since apps have been written which can do darn near any conceivable task, people keep wanting more and more and more. And this then goes back to the "patchwork" I described earlier in talking about "older" computer OSs.

    Then people want multimedia, and color screens, and apps to take advantage of it, and they want Palm to incorporate DSPs so they can play music, and of course that brings along with it all of the extra patching to then allow for the existence of, and permit the use of, an on-board DSP. And now you want WiFi? Well, shoot, now we gotta have IPv4 as well, and support for TCP/IP, none of which was ever a part of the original concept of PalmOS.

    And even if you don't want or need any of those features in your own PDA, I'm sorry but that's really just too bad. Go live in a cave if you like, but if you buy a new PDA, guess what: you're gonna get all that stuff.

    And at some point, all of this stretches an "older" OS just a bit too far, or it becomes a bit absurd with all the hoops and turns and wiggling that PalmOne's coders have to go through, so then they say, "Aw **** it, let's just re-write the thing."

    Apple comes to this without any of *that* sort of legacy. Doubtless there will be no Newton code on this thing anywhere, but what Apple's got is Mac OS X, which means they also have the power (albeit somewhat indirectly) of an Open Source OS -- Linux. And in case you weren't aware, there are already numerous "imbedded" implementations of Linux -- phones, PDAs, game systems, kiosks, etc. -- all of which are data points and collective experience opportunities which ALREADY EXIST that Apple can exploit.

    So no, having a "modern" OS is not a bad thing. It's actually a supremely awesome thing. What you're concerned about is having something that is intuitive AND efficient AND appropriate to the world of telephone interfaces for the user interface on the device you'd go and buy yourself.

    All I can say, based on past performance, is give Apple a chance.

    Now, here's a larger picture thought to ponder...

    If Apple goes to market with the iPhone, then this is going to open up (to some extent) the viability of a F/OSS community cell phone. And this is a really good thing as well because it represents a non-commercial, enthusiast entrance into what up until now has been a totally proprietary, locked-down OS-based product world. It has the potential to do to cell phones what Linux has inspired in Mac OS X.

    ivanka trump plastic surgery pics. Ivanka Trump Flaunts New
  • Ivanka Trump Flaunts New

  • Josias
    Sep 15, 05:28 PM
    I know this is half off topic, but I posted my predictions for Photokina in another thread here (

    I would gladly bet my MacBook that they announce new MBP's on the 25th.;)

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  • donald trumps daughter.

  • Tones2
    Mar 28, 11:07 AM
    Come on - there will be an iPhone 5 in July. That's the customer expectation and if they did NOT release it then, their stock price would suffer and they would certainly lose market share to the newer phones. They are already somewhat behind newer phones that have much larger screens, faster processors, better cameras, etc - no way they wait until next year or even winter 2011. They will find component supplies and keep on track.


    ivanka trump plastic surgery pics. Surgery or not, Ivanka Trump
  • Surgery or not, Ivanka Trump

  • Llewellyn
    Nov 28, 02:25 PM
    Sure, a programmer or tech geek or business person or writer may have little use for a tablet, but artists are another story. Carrying around a separate, cumbersome USB tablet can become a pain. It's much easier to draw with a pen than it is with a mouse.

    I once contacted a touch screen manufacturer concerning how a touch screen tablet compared to the wacom cintiq display tablet. I was told that touch screens are very basic in comparison and would not provide anywhere near the level of sensitivity of a art tablet or the Cintiq.

    Last I looked the Wacom Cintiq was $2500+ by itself so I would expect you would at least have to add $1500 to the price of a top of the line laptop to have the kind of tablet you describe.

    It would be very cool, just not practicle.

    ivanka trump plastic surgery pics. Her father, Donald Trump says
  • Her father, Donald Trump says

  • Spoony
    Apr 26, 03:40 PM
    Hehe, up here in Arlington all I see is either iPhone or Android for personal phones, but everyone (in both camps) seems to have a BB as well...

    Ditto in NY. BB for Work, iphone for play

    ivanka trump plastic surgery pics. And here is Ivanka Trump all
  • And here is Ivanka Trump all

  • asdf542
    Mar 28, 10:16 AM
    Sure, but the "delay" could be that iOS 5 isn't ready yet and Apple isn't going to launch iPhone 5 w/o a full iOS update. Quite possible iOS5 engineers were temp. xfered to OS X 10.7 at this final stage to ensure it makes out the door on time and w/ fewest glitches possible. Once 10.7 goes GM iOS5 development will go back to normal speed.

    Snow Leopard did not effect iOS release dates. If the iPad 2 was delayed like the rumors were suggesting then I would believe this, but it wasn't. So far all of Apple's releases for 2011 have been typical with their past schedules. No reason to think any different for this one.

    ivanka trump plastic surgery pics. Ivanka Trump to Launch Shoe
  • Ivanka Trump to Launch Shoe

  • thedarkhorse
    Apr 21, 04:10 PM
    I'm sure that if they make it rack mountable it will still be able to be used and look right as a desktop/workstation.

    If they leave the only expansion card the video card and add thunderbolt ports for other IO I could see them going this route. Though seeing as though thunderbolt carries the monitor signal and has to be built on the motherboard, they may have to come up with some new type of GPU card that just supplies the raw power and sends the video signal to the motherboard and out the thunderbolt port. I don't know if that's in the realm of possibilities of what PCIE video cards can do now.

    ivanka trump plastic surgery pics. I heard that her surgery was
  • I heard that her surgery was

  • Consultant
    Apr 18, 03:35 PM
    Yay go Apple. From the little guy everyone cheered for to the ... big guy that sues everyone and still has everyone cheering for.

    So you think Apple's goal is to be free R&D for the rest of the industry? :rolleyes:

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  • Michigan-based Plastic Surgeon

  • Huntn
    Apr 14, 11:20 AM
    This may be veering in a direction the OP does not want to go. If so, please ignore.

    Speaking of taxes don't believe any politician who seeks your approval by saying "elect me and I'll lower your taxes". Most likely what they are saying is I'll lower your taxes a smidgen, but I'll give a dump truck of tax breaks to the wealthy who as leaders of industry will do their best to destroy your lively hood by exporting your job overseas.

    What you want to hear from politicians on taxes is a discussion framed as "what services do we want from government, what do we want to pay for, how and who will pay for it, and expectation that the government will penalize corporations whose business practices are actively lowering the standard of living in this country."

    ivanka trump plastic surgery pics. Luckily for Ivanka Trump and
  • Luckily for Ivanka Trump and

  • maclaptop
    May 4, 06:01 PM
    i would rather have a disc or flash drive.


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  • Ivanka Trump pregnant; Helena Bonham Carter shuns cosmetic surgery; Jim Carrey enjoys model date in New York. Ivanka Trump pregnant; Helena Bonham Carter

  • lifeofart
    Aug 4, 02:03 PM
    I think we will probably get an announcement about new designed MacBookPros at WWDC along with MacPro Desktops.

    Rumor had it back in January that Apple wanted Intel to pre-release Merom chips to Apple for the MacBook Pro. Instead Apple was forced to rush to market a quick update to the PowerBook line using the Yonah processor.

    My guess now is that Apple is going to finally get to roll out the new redsigned MacBook Pro for Merom.

    I agree completely. The MacBook Pro just looks like a transition model to me. Apple needed to update the PB badly and it made no sense for them to update with a new PPC chip but the Merom chip wasn't available yet even though it was Apple's chip of choice for a new laptop design.

    Voila! slap a Yonah in essentially the same enclosure as a PB, tweak it a bit with new features and you get a MacBook Pro. Now that Merom is here and Apple has re-designed the ibook, the MacBook Pro is poised for a complete re-design.

    I want my re-designed Merom MacBook Pro at WWDC.:eek:

    ivanka trump plastic surgery pics. Ivanka Trump has a stalker.
  • Ivanka Trump has a stalker.

  • Kingsly
    Aug 11, 12:42 PM
    About. Freaking. Time.

    This is one rumor that I cant afford to miss.

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  • Surgery heidi curvier lookjan Feed for those of god to plastic http hottest buzz ivanka trump wedding funny heidi reality Heidi+montag+plastic+surgery+

  • treblah
    Aug 4, 11:16 PM
    If Im not mistaken every KeyNote from Steve Jobs, whether at WWDC, MacWorld or any other event from Apple has been on tuesdays. Why is this one DIFFERENT. Could we see a Movie Store on Tuesday ???????

    Where ( have I ( heard this ( before ( :rolleyes:

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  • pictures from ivanka trump

  • samiwas
    Apr 19, 11:09 AM
    I don't think anything will get done with the extreme left and extreme right fighting it out.

    With America's bleak looking future (S&P put a warning out today), something definitely has to be done. These small $10bil cuts over 10 years is not nearly enough. Those cuts are the same as me using pennies from those "Give a penny, take a penny" trays. They are moot and mean nothing.

    The US needs is a complete overall of its spending and tax code.

    Spending: Post every single line item on the internet so the people can see where the money is going. Place mandatory cuts on everything. Each department should be given a % of the country's income and that's all they get. NO MORE ISSUING DEBT.

    Taxes: Throw away the 1 million pages of tax codes and create something much more simple. Tax income (not necessarily rates) will have to go up in order for America to survive.

    -However, if income taxes go up, then make sales tax illegal. Since we are having problems with sales tax on online purchases in individual states, then just get rid of the program all together. It doesn't make sense anymore unless we have a VAT, which Americans can't afford. Sales tax is a double tax anyway. I already paid taxes on the money used to buy the goods, so why pay again?

    -EVERYONE needs to pay taxes. No more of this "45% of people don't pay anything." There should be a mandatory minimum rate that you cannot drop below no matter how many deductions you have. This could be as simple as your taxes cannot drop any more than 33% of your current tax bracket. So, If you are in a 10% bracket, your taxes will be no less than 7.66%.

    -Capital gains tax should only affect people making more than 50% (or some other %) of their income from capital gains. This will allow the average family to invest their money and contribute to the marketplace without being taxed on money that they already paid taxes on. Sure, they may make money or lose money on their investment, but let's cut them a break since they are using hard earned money. As for people who make more than 50% of their income from capital gains, tax them at the regular income rates.

    I'm not against tax increases as long as the country is using it as a last resort. I want to see a massive effort by both parties to fix our current deficit issue. Taxes are inevitable, but lets make a good effort to reduce spending before that happens. I want to see the government act responsibly before I give them more money.

    I can't believe I'm almost agreeing with someone who has a picture of George Bush as their avatar. :D

    I don't fully agree with "every item needs to be cut" in spending. We honestly do not need to be cutting education any more, as it's been the first on the chopping block for every cut thus far. The education system has its problems, that's for sure, but cutting its budget will only create more. Almost everything else could easily see some cuts, especially defense. I think the cuts should come from finding waste and fraud in the larger social programs, which I'm sure is rampant. But finding those would probably cost as much money as it saves.

    Fully agree on simplifying tax code. The tax code is out of control and should be much, much simpler. There are things in there that must involve three people in the country. "Do you own land on which a blue house stands that was flooded on the second Tuesday of any month ending in an 'y'?" I think most deductions could be done away with, especially the really specialized ones.

    Not sure how sales tax cutting would help the states, as they are the ones who are receiving that income. I wish STATE income tax returns would be simplified, especially for non residents. My non-resident California state return this year was larger than my federal return. That's BS. A non-resident tax return should be a post card: I made $xxx in your state, your rate is x%, I owe $xx.

    Indeed, everyone should pay some sort of tax, even if it's only a few percent. If you get that back in social services, then great, you win. But everyone should put something in the pot.

    I can go with your capital gains idea, but I might even go lower than 50% as the starting point. Our household income is just over six figures, and I have a bit over the six-figure mark in various investments currently. My Capital Gains last year? $35. A whopping .03%. Obviously, last year wasn't the best investment year, but I think the 50% mark could be high. Say anyone with over 30% in capital's not money they "worked hard" for, so they can't use that argument. It's basically free money.

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  • ivanka trump wedding shows

  • MorphingDragon
    May 6, 06:07 AM
    Well, Xeons are closely related to their consumer counterparts. If Xeons can go dual-CPU, then it wouldn't be such a leap for an i7, even if it isn't possible yet. Most consumers most likely wouldn't even saturate a 4-core mac though. Eh, just food for thought I guess.

    The only thing you would get out of a dual socket laptop is bragging and circle jerking rights.

    Apr 25, 09:39 AM
    :D :D :D

    Shouldn't that be "Received in your backyard... no wait, your kitchen..., no wait, your bathroom... hmmm, hmmm, hmm, hm, hmm,... hey wash your hands now that you are finished!... now received out the front door, getting into car... did you know your license has expired?... Just help'n you out... :rolleyes: :eek:

    Not much in the way of explanation from Steve...

    Guess that e-mailer is probably learning the ins and outs of his new Droid...

    Made me think of this...hilarious,16891/

    Aug 12, 12:08 AM
    I'm sure at the very least the MBP will get the new chips soon (within a month or so). The question is, whether it will get a case redesign/new features. So let's make a list of things you'd like to see happen. Personally I'd like to see:

    DL Superdrive
    Swappable HD
    Expresscard 54
    Case dedesign or material change

    I wouldn't be surprised if the engineers were too busy just getting it ready for MacWorld when it debuted to give it a full redesign. Also from what I've read they didn't want to change the appearance too much to make the transition to Intel seamless.

    Apr 18, 04:21 PM
    Interesting that Samsung Group is a much larger corporation to Apple, but only have $4.5 billion in cash reserves. While Apple has $50 billion and counting.

    Intersting how?

    Don't panic
    May 4, 08:20 AM
    as other said, the leader mostly acts as the official speaker for the group, but he/she can also decide things of his/her own volition. This should ensure a bit more of pace to the game (since we don't have to majority vote every decision).
    later in the game, it also allows people with their own agenda
    if someone strongly disagree i think they can always unilaterally split out and go wherever they want, as long as it is before the official order in bold is given.

    I updated my post #47 with ravenvii correction, which now i think contains a more exaustive (second) explanation of the rules.
    ranvenvii, if you have time to to amend it where it is incorrect and add it as 'canon' to the original rule post, i think it would be helpful.

    back to our immediate business, I can be the fearless inspiring leader (for now), as long as i don't have to drag your lazy arses away from any sparkling trinkets you find on the way.
    and no, Wilmer, that mummified rat's leg does NOT constitute 'treasure' and you may NOT keep it as a pendant. geesh, i should send you for a month mining with my cousins in the old Moth O'Rol caves searching for them inexistent gggggems, and maybe you'd grow a spine.

    we have a qualified majority of votes, so i will lead the first group into the room top right, explore and then we can come back here and explore this room. this of course means that the barking donkey that is trying to impress us with his parlor tricks has time to build up some strength and put more monsters/traps in our way.
    if two-three want to split out now and explore this room while we move to the next, i think it is a good idea, especially you Rosius, since if we happen to meet a sea urchin or sommthing in there, you might get hurt, and as much as it pains me to admit, we might need your 'talents' later on.

    i'll wait till later in the morn and then go

    Apr 7, 03:47 PM
    This gives RIM time to rethink their tablet.


    is it me, or does the RIM look pretty lame in comparison to other tablets

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