Saturday, May 14, 2011

Will Smith’s Trailer Creates Controversy in SoHo

Ever wondered what a 53-foot double-decker bus looks like in the middle of SoHo? If you’re Will Smith and shooting Men in Black III, you’ll have to look real hard. He was forced to move the
super-sized movie trailer and separate gym trailer to a nearby parking lot in NYC.

As reported by The New York Post, Will was forced to move his trailers to a lot because they were eating up business revenues as well as filling narrow streets with fumes. Residents complained about the monstrosity. Now that the trailer is parked in a nearby lot, Will has the option to go to the marble-floored station to get his make-up done or perhaps walk to his apartment on Bond Street.

Earlier in the day yesterday he joked it off in jovial fashion as to why he needed such a big ride. “It’s hilarious,” he said.

Apparently city officials didn’t quite think it was a laughing matter. In a statement from the Mayor’s Office of Film, Theater and Broadcasting they indicated, ” To balance the interests of the production and the neighborhood, we have instructed Men in Black 3 to relocate the trailer to a private lot.”

Public Safety Committee Chair Peter Vallone, Jr. said, “Hardworking New Yorkers have a right to wake up in the morning and not find a cruise ship parked out in front of their house. This is New York, not Hollywood. We don’t roll that way.”

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