Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Meet author Teel James Glenn

Where you an avid reader as a child? What type of books did you enjoy reading?

I read anything I could get my hands on-learning to read from comic books then started on the Hardy Boys, the three investigators, Tom Swift, Tom Quest and finally the Doc Savage Series ( I loved the series characters). I also loved anything by Andre Norton and am still waiting for them to make her version of The Beastmaster!

Tell us a bit about your latest book, and what inspired you to write such a story.

Gaslight Occurrences: The Steampulp Adventures of Augustus Argent is a collection of connected stories about a Victorian investigator of the unusual who fights supernatural menaces that menace the English Empire. Think Sherlock Holmes meets Dr. Van Helsing J. His Watson is a swashbuckling Scotsman named Jack Stone who is a bit more physical than Sherlock’s good doctor.

The premise is that a document was created by sorcerers in the court of Elizabeth the first that prevented the island nation from being invaded by things of the occult-called the Solomon Doctrine-it is what stopped the Armada but the forces of darkness are always trying to breach the occult defenses. Queen Victoria even features in one story as the guardian of that generation’s version of the doctrine. She swings a mean chair at a bad guy I might add!

I wrote it because I love the Holmes books and Hammer movies and saw a perfect way to blend them both. (Hammer did a Hounds of Baskervilles, in fact). I love a good old-fashioned adventure and romance.

How would you describe your creative process while writing this book? Was it stream-of-consciousness writing or did you write an outline?

I wrote the Whitechapel Murders attributed to Jack the Ripper first and gave itmy own occult spin. It was intended as a stand alone, but part way through the story I realized I had a whole lot to tell about Argent and Stone and began writing tales before and aftrer that story. I have a long career to document with the two of them so expect more books.

Did your book require a lot of research?

Oh boy, yes! I’m one of those guys who yell at the History Channel if they get something wrong so I didn’t want to make a mistake. Street maps of anywhere they went, music they might hear, type of snacks they may eat, clothing, etc. I cursed myself daily for picking a period story but in the same time, I loved doing the research because it makes the stories so rich and layered.

If you could have any vice without repercussions, what would it be?

You really didn’t just ask me that did you? I live a pretty disciplined life-no alcohol, cigarettes, drugs-and no desire for them so my vices are pretty tame to most standards. I’ll give a safe answer in public and go with my main vice: ice cream! I’d love to eat it without having to do sit ups to pay for it!

What is the funniest/most embarrassing/scariest story from one of your book signings or events/conventions?

I’m afraid I don’t have any funny/scary stories for this. I love conventions and have had only good experiences.

If you could have been the servant to any famous person in history, who would it be and why?

I would have loved to be a student of Mussashi Miyamoto-Japan’s Sword saint/painter. I am a student of the sword in many cultures having taught western swordsmanship for thirty years and read his book “The Book of Five Rings” every year, discovering new truths in its words.

What do you see for the future of publishing and e-books?

I just sold a novella to a magazine that described itself as a ‘digi-pulp’ as it is made for the i-phone and electronic readers. That is the future. The New York giants are slowly beginning to get it but I think it is too late for them. Bookstores are dying in their current incarnation. We in the b world are at the right place in the right time if we can capitalize on it.

Which of your characters do you love/hate/fear/pity the most and why?

I love all my children-and hate all my villains-even if I understand them. But I imagine if I could only write one character/series again it would be my Dr. Shadows character. He is an adventurer who begins his stories in 1937 and I will eventually follow him to his death in 1974 and into his son’s contemporary adventures (I’ve written a novel ‘Secret of Wolf Island’ about Jon Shadows out at Gypsy Shadow Publishing).

He, like myself, has a Koren based martial background and is involved in the events leading up to and during World War Two in the far east. Mysteries, adventures and spy stories in the pulp tradition.

A Hex of Shadows-the first collection is out from epress-online, inc. now though only for a limited time. Have four books written and are shopping them to mainstream publishers.

Do you get along with your muse? What do you do to placate her when she refuses to inspire you?

I have never had writer’s block-I don’t allow myself that luxury. I am a writer. I have a word count to make each day and I am merciless on myself. I also work on several projects at once so if I ‘slow down’ in the process or need to figure something out I switch gears and let my subconscious go to work.

My muse, Saga-the Norse goddess of stories-is a lovely lady.

Do you have another book in the works? Would you like to tell readers about your current or future projects?

I have a collection of stories about a husband and wife team-Moxie and Mai Donovan-who investigates weird crimes in the 1930’s-but with alight touch. Think the Front Page meetes White Zombie.

He’s a reporter and she’s a showgirl. Bela Lugosi even shows up in two of the stories as a good guy. The book is called Deadline Zombies and is out from BooksforaBuck in May.

I also have the next Exceptional book in the works-#4 in the series fromWhiskey Creek Press. They are bio-enhanced bounty hunters in the year 2030. A pure thriller/adventure series.

Have you ever experienced weird cravings while you write? If so what kind?

Define weird?  I keep snacks in the house and never feel any guilt about indulging. I just wish I had a milkshake machine.

If we asked your muse to describe you in five words, what do you think it would say about you?

Tenacious, faithful, focused, dedicated and just a bit mad.

Gaslight Occurrences:
The Steampulp Adventures of Augustus Argent

Publisher: Whiskey Creek Press

available at Amazon.com and Fictionwise.com

Who can the Crown call when a hideous curse has been caste on a nobleman in Regency England? Who will throw down the gauntlet when the fog bound Victorian streets of Whitechapel are the hunting ground for a subhuman, monster? Who can stand and fight when a bloodthirsty vampire rises from the tomb in the Kentish Marshes? Doctor Augustus Argent, Sorcerer Supreme and Agent without portfolio for the Crown that’s who! Since Elizabeth the Great had a secret cabal of witches create the Solomon Document to protect England from invasion the forces of evil conspiracies and the horrors of Alchemists have threatened the sceptered Isle. Join Doctor Argent and his swashbuckling aid Jack Stone as they protect the empire of England from the forces of darkness in pulse pounding, pulp-style action and romance.

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