Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rock 'N' Roll Summercamp '98 - {2000} Self Titled {Black Dog}

It's kinda hard to call this Rock 'n Roll, except maybe in a 'roots' sort of sense. More likely you'd find this under Americana or alt-country. In any case, it's a bomber album. Some of these tracks are excellent (Crow Jane, SOB, The River, Part of Me) some are pretty good (Not So Far Away), and some will BLOW YOUR MIND: (Livin' on the Road, Grey and Blue). Gotta love the flute on Livin' on the Road, and the lyrics to Grey and Blue are simply stunning. Download this album. Love it.

1.Livin' On the Road
2.S.O.B. (Son of a Bitch)
3.Not So Far Away
4.Big Black River
5.Crow Jane
6.The River
7.Part Of Me
8.Grey & Blue
9.Sail Away Lady
10.Reckless Night
11.Untitled Track (Hidden track) ** not ripped**
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password: nagiants40

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