Saturday, May 14, 2011

army ranks in order

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  • Locodice
    May 4, 08:47 AM
    Posted in the wrong thread mate, but I will answer your question.

    Jdownloader available here (

    Absolutely horrible ui but does the job and does it well.

    army ranks in order. US Military Enlisted Ranks
  • US Military Enlisted Ranks

  • OverSpun
    Sep 7, 09:41 PM
    I even have the keyboard and everything. Its been so long, and I have no idea when it was came out.

    Does anyone else have one still? :D

    army ranks in order. Army+ranks+in+order+uk
  • Army+ranks+in+order+uk

  • Dreadnought
    May 23, 03:04 PM
    There still working out the bugs. I think the gamingmachines are going first before they get back and work on the Intel Mac version. Or they are waiting for leopard and that will magically erase all the bugs! :D

    army ranks in order. Army+ranks+in+order
  • Army+ranks+in+order

  • roadbloc
    Mar 31, 09:48 AM
    They were awfully smug.

    army ranks in order. Army+ranks+in+order+uk
  • Army+ranks+in+order+uk

  • rawdawg
    Apr 28, 06:19 PM
    Thanks for the quick reply. I guess my concern is with the unfamiliarity with the structure of the backup folder itself. Leaves me wondering what may happen if/when technology fails and this becomes corrupt for something.

    I have no idea if this can even become corrupt. Simply I am being carefully skeptical.

    So this technology/software is solid?

    army ranks in order. AUSTRALIAN ARMY RANKS IN ORDER

  • nbaker756
    Jan 7, 09:45 PM
    so, heres my problem. when playing a song in itunes, once and awhile the song will fade out for a few seconds and then be heard again. this accompanies crackling sounds every once and a while. i notice it seems that the computer slows for a sec when this happens. one time when it happened, all sound stopped working and so did the keyboard and mouse, so i ran hardware test and everything is fine. i ran disk doctor, tech tool, drive 10, and any other utility i could. anyboyd have any ideas what i could do to fix this or whats causing the probelm. i usually only have itunes, safari, and aim open at one time. i have a dual 1ghz G4 with a gig of ram. i have tried different songs and it always happens. help!!!
    update: it just happend again with a crackling noise. i also failed to mention i am up to date on software and i have harmon kardon soundsticks.
    i also just realized that it happens with all audio applications.

    army ranks in order. in US military ranks and
  • in US military ranks and

  • FireStar
    Nov 5, 04:09 PM
    do you have Friends or contacts set up?


    army ranks in order. +military+ranks+in+order
  • +military+ranks+in+order

  • Blue Velvet
    Mar 28, 10:10 AM
    Proper Keynesian response to a recession, particularly one headed quickly for a depression is deficit spending. Proven time and time again.

    However, the neo-liberal whizz-kids who have been generally in charge of the consensus over the past 30 years always forget that the flip-side of the equation is to build a surplus when times are good, something that the Clinton (D) administration did by raising taxes on higher income earners and then handed it over to George W. Bush (R) who pissed it up the wall, giving tax cuts to billionaires and running up two wars without any of it being paid for in the long run, with the worst record of job creation of any president in history.

    Cue massive recession and economic disaster after a housing bubble stoked by unregulated lenders, the dying days of the Bush and the incoming Obama administration had little choice to spend, because a recession is a problem of demand, not supply... as we can clearly see when corporations are now sitting on huge profits and the Dow is climbing steadily. But they're not creating jobs, because demand is slack, almost solely because of high unemployment.

    Supply-side is a failure. It only looked good in the 80s because the Fed squeezed inflation out of the system by raising interest rates, then dropping them again... but interest rates across developed economies these days can hardly go lower. The limits of monetary policy, apart from measured quantitative easing, can go no further. Like Keynes said: like pushing on a piece of string.

    The only way to raise demand is to pursue policies that further full employment. More jobs, more money in people's pockets, more revenue, more demand. However, Republicans in congress, after wasting many months of pursuing fruitless bills about abortion, defunding their pet hates etc. have a new, bright idea up their sleeves which I'm sure every forum member would like to see for themselves:

    Lower wages and more unemployment

    In a little-noticed economic report distributed by the office House Speaker John Boehner last week, the Republican staff of the Joint Economic Committee attempted to refute criticisms that the GOP’s economic agenda would deliver too much pain too fast.

    The paper makes the party’s anti-Keynesian case that fiscal consolidation (read: spending cuts) can spur immediate economic growth and reduce unemployment. But in making that case, the Republicans may also have given Democrats some political ammunition.

    For example, the paper predicts that cutting the number of public employees would send highly skilled workers job hunting in the private sector, which in turn would lead to lower labor costs and increased employment. But “lowering labor costs” is economist-speak for lowering wages — does the GOP want to be in the position of advocating for lower wages for voters who work in the private sector?

    Why it's foolish:

    “Much of this study relies on the growth performance of a few (very) small open economies — Sweden, Canada, New Zealand, notably — after 1994,” said University of Texas economist James Galbraith, who was executive director of the JEC in the early eighties. “It’s easy to look good if you are a small country with a freshly devalued currency selling into a world boom. The ‘lessons’ will not apply to the United States, which cannot just contract domestically, devalue the dollar (sacrificing our reserve-currency position) and expect the rest of the world to bail us out by buying our exports.”

    The GOP argument “would have more force if the economy today looked more like the economy in the 1990s expansion — the longest in our country’s history and the last time we had a balanced budget,” Chad Stone, chief economist for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, wrote in response to the JEC report. “In today’s economy, weak demand, not competition for funds, is the much more plausible explanation for inadequate investment.”

    As the Republican report itself acknowledges, economists at the International Monetary Fund — no shrinking violet when it comes to prescribing harsh spending cuts — have contended that many of the studies cited in the report are flawed. In the October 2010 World Economic Outlook, IMF researchers asserted that cutting spending “typically reduces output and raises unemployment in the short term,” even if the non-Keynesian effects cushion the blow slightly.

    We're already seeing the results of cutting spending during a recession over here in the UK and also Ireland. Unemployment on the rise, revenues down, services slashed, growth down.

    Why do we put these fools in time and time again? Because many of us think like peasants:

    This new Holy Trinity of right-wing basket cases has been pushing all sorts of crazy hallucinations of late, from Bachmann warning that the Americorps program would eventually be turned into a regime of forced re-education for American youth, to Beck’s meanderings about Obama creating FEMA-run concentration camps to warehouse conservative dissidents, to Norris and Beck stirring up talk of secessionist movements. And a lot of people are having fun with this, because, well, it’s funny. It’s like a Farrelly Brothers version of right-wing political agitation. But it’s also kind of sad.

    After all, the reason the winger crowd can’t find a way to be coherently angry right now is because this country has no healthy avenues for genuine populist outrage. It never has. The setup always goes the other way: when the excesses of business interests and their political proteges in Washington leave the regular guy broke and screwed, the response is always for the lower and middle classes to split down the middle and find reasons to get pissed off not at their greedy bosses but at each other. That’s why even people like Beck’s audience, who I’d wager are mostly lower-income people, can’t imagine themselves protesting against the Wall Street barons who in actuality are the ones who ****ed them over. Beck pointedly compared the AIG protesters to Bolsheviks: “[The Communists] basically said ‘Eat the rich, they did this to you, get ‘em, kill ‘em!’” He then said the AIG and G20 protesters were identical: “It’s a different style, but the sentiments are exactly the same: Find ‘em, get ‘em, kill ‘em!’” Beck has an audience that’s been trained that the rich are not appropriate targets for anger, unless of course they’re Hollywood liberals, or George Soros, or in some other way linked to some acceptable class of villain, to liberals, immigrants, atheists, etc. — Ted Turner, say, married to Jane Fonda.

    But actual rich people can’t ever be the target. It’s a classic peasant mentality: going into fits of groveling and bowing whenever the master’s carriage rides by, then fuming against the Turks in Crimea or the Jews in the Pale or whoever after spending fifteen hard hours in the fields. You know you’re a peasant when you worship the very people who are right now, this minute, conning you and taking your ****. Whatever the master does, you’re on board. When you get frisky, he sticks a big cross in the middle of your village, and you spend the rest of your life praying to it with big googly eyes. Or he puts out newspapers full of innuendo about this or that faraway group and you immediately salute and rush off to join the hate squad. A good peasant is loyal, simpleminded, and full of misdirected anger. And that’s what we’ve got now, a lot of misdirected anger searching around for a non-target to mis-punish… can’t be mad at AIG, can’t be mad at Citi or Goldman Sachs. The real villains have to be the anti-AIG protesters! After all, those people earned those bonuses! If ever there was a textbook case of peasant thinking, it’s struggling middle-class Americans burned up in defense of taxpayer-funded bonuses to millionaires. It’s really weird stuff. And bound to get weirder, I imagine, as this crisis gets worse and more complicated.

    So, the sight of the video in question, from a lobbying organisation with links to Jack Abramoff and that represents Exxon-Mobil amongst others, decrying government spending is nothing but empty but loud crap of the highest order. What they want is for government to spend money on them. Screw those who have lost their livelihoods, their jobs, their homes in the biggest recession in any of our lifetimes, let those suckers pay the bill. In fact, screw you, take a pay cut, be fearful of losing your job with all your benefits. We'll also press to weaken child labour laws so you're competing with kids...

    Living standards have remained stagnant over the past decades, papered over by a housing bubble and cheap goods made in China while your healthcare costs have been going through the roof. But time and time again, you put the same oafs in who wrap themselves in the flag and carry a cross.

    Jesus wept.

    army ranks in order. fact that using army ranks
  • fact that using army ranks

  • rdowns
    Mar 28, 09:24 AM
    I think we should be fearful of our out of control spending. Both sides refuse to see the other side's point. Until we have a meltdown, nothing will happen. We have a spending AND revenue problem.

    army ranks in order. +military+ranks+in+order
  • +military+ranks+in+order

  • MacSlut
    Apr 27, 02:10 PM
    I'm confused.

    Malware creators supposedly ignore the Mac platform because it's too small and they go after Windows because it's larger, not because it's less secure. However this malware is targeting Windows based iPad users...that's maybe what 500K right now more or less? And to be clear, it only affects the Windows platform, not the iPad itself (which is OS X based).

    So tell us Windows fan boys, why did this happen?

    army ranks in order. the planets in army Unit formationthe us - observations the planets Has to , plan aaug , adapted much United+states+army+ranks+in+order
  • the planets in army Unit formationthe us - observations the planets Has to , plan aaug , adapted much United+states+army+ranks+in+order

  • pdjudd
    Apr 5, 11:38 AM
    Once Lion comes out, will it also ship with refurbs? or will refurb macs (2010 models) continued to be shipped with snow leapord??

    They might not be pre-installed, but you should be able to get a drop in disc for free or a small fee.

    army ranks in order. Userbars vbulletin rank of
  • Userbars vbulletin rank of

  • PlaceofDis
    Apr 18, 10:40 PM
    i wonder how long before the merger is complete, if it happens, still pending approvement from stockholders and whatnot, surprised that they are not worried about antitrust case at all......interseting read though

    army ranks in order. army ranks in order uk,
  • army ranks in order uk,

  • sb58
    Apr 1, 11:25 AM
    put linux on it?
    or even better, make it into a laptop :D

    army ranks in order. army ranks army,
  • army ranks army,

  • PaperMacWriter
    Mar 16, 07:25 PM
    I import all of my CDs currently into Apple Lossless (best of offered formats for the iPhone), but that fills up my 32GB iPhone FAR too quickly. Instead I am keeping two libraries, one in ALAC and one in 320kbps AAC. However, importing from CDs is a pain to have to do, importing it once, quitting iTunes, starting it up, choosing a different library, and importing again. Are there applications/automator workflows/applescripts/anything that could aid me in this process? Thank you =)

    army ranks in order. Military Ranks iPhone App
  • Military Ranks iPhone App

  • Platform
    Feb 2, 03:58 AM
    Skype ( is now out of beta :)

    army ranks in order. Army+ranks+officers
  • Army+ranks+officers

  • jsw
    Jan 9, 09:37 PM
    nope you are allowed to test prototypes, just not offer them for sale without FCC approval.
    As an employee of a phone manufacturer, I just wanted to vouch for that - you can use the devices for testing; you just can't sell them. Absolutely correct.

    army ranks in order. the order of army ranks?
  • the order of army ranks?

  • D1eam
    Apr 17, 11:59 AM

    army ranks in order. +military+ranks+in+order
  • +military+ranks+in+order

  • drummerdimitri
    Mar 21, 01:39 AM
    Hello guys,

    I was just wondering if it would be possible to install and run windows 7 from my external HDD with my MacBook Pro. Bootcamp will only allow me to use the internal hard disk to do so. Is there a way around this?


    army ranks in order. of officer rank order of
  • of officer rank order of

  • NameUndecided
    May 6, 12:53 AM
    Could you clarify? What aspects will or are taking any significant amount of time to get used to?

    Jul 25, 06:10 AM
    iOS 4 on the iPhone 3G absolutely kills it. Everything becomes incredibly slow. Apple should never have let the iPhone 3G get the 4.0 update..

    Come on ... Apple got shunned for not allowing the iPhone 3G to get multitasking. If they hadn't updated it all, they would have been criticized to pieces.

    Mar 8, 11:04 PM
    From what I understand, you can make your own phone, so long as you don't sell it. I mean, if you have the means to make a mean phone (wow, haha), then I believe you can do it.

    Apr 30, 04:06 AM
    2 possible issues: A faulty Memory Riser which shorts out when a certain slot is filled, or the pairs you have are not recognized as matched so it gets confused.
    Follow the riser order for matching pairs as stated in the guide I linked below, start with the first pair of slots and work up, testing as each pair is added, this method should identify the unmatched pair or faulty riser slot. If this is the problem.....

    Dec 26, 04:47 AM
    hi - got this little utility "capacity meter" for the battery of a 17" PB

    am a little worried that after 3 recharges the battery status is already down to

    92 %

    how come?

    or is a lower-than-100-%-capacity intentional?

    tks for any feedback -

    Mr. Anderson
    Aug 29, 08:27 AM
    if its going to be till november, well, we won't be seeing something new in January. Then there is the IBM announcement in October - timing just doesn't make sense.

    A quick check at the Apple Store shows it will be mid to end of October - pretty damn close to November - this isn't good.


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