Saturday, May 14, 2011

energy saving poster

energy saving poster. trees save energy!
  • trees save energy!

  • Blue Velvet
    Jan 20, 11:36 AM
    Send over a low-resolution PDF (72-144ppi) with all security options locked down, except for the ability to print, perhaps. You can do all this in Acrobat Pro, including removing the ability to extract content using Photoshop.

    Third-party utilities can work around this given enough time and messing around, but most people won't bother.

    energy saving poster. Hey look at this energy saving
  • Hey look at this energy saving

  • tigress666
    Mar 9, 04:50 PM
    Winner winner chicken dinner.


    Winner winner SHEEEEEEEN dinner.

    LOL I can't believe he said this.

    No, I think I was in disbelief when he said dying is for fools... does he really believe he is going to live forever?

    energy saving poster. The latest in energy-saving
  • The latest in energy-saving

  • AppleRules
    Jun 19, 11:42 AM
    I've noticed that the lines at the Detroit area Apple retailers are very small compared to the rest of the country. I guess Detroiter's have different priorities than the rest of the country. This is a good thing IMO, we still love our idevice.

    energy saving poster. +energy+save+earth+posters
  • +energy+save+earth+posters

  • MrAtheist
    Apr 27, 01:21 AM
    anyone with half a brain knows that WEI is garbage...

    energy saving poster. Learn ways to save energy and
  • Learn ways to save energy and

  • macfan34
    Dec 31, 02:58 PM
    have you tried the lifehacker guide? here it is:[s]-from-ios-4-to-ios-313

    energy saving poster. toasty manchester poster
  • toasty manchester poster

  • pizzett
    Mar 8, 10:50 PM
    Hi, due to a recent user error I managed to import my whole hard drive into the folder structure in aperture 3. This left me with thousands of new folder entries. I've tried deleting them but doing it from the root of the directory seems to crash aperture. I've had to resort to drilling down into the directory and slowly deleting the folders one by one. At this rate I'll be done by Xmas.

    I was thinking about exporting my good projects / folders to a new catalogue and then dumping the existing one. Is this possible?

    Any suggestions as to how I might overcome this problem?


    energy saving poster. tokyo water poster image
  • tokyo water poster image

  • iThinkergoiMac
    Apr 25, 08:27 PM
    Equal value? It's free...

    I second the Preview motion...

    energy saving poster. energy star house
  • energy star house

  • EK03
    Jan 13, 09:23 PM
    Hey guys, for the past 2 weeks ive had the strangest problem with my powerbook g4 (revision C). Its been shutting off without me hitting anything. I would get the are you sure you want to shut down your computer now? dialog box and i would hit cancel then a few minutes later it would do a forced shutdown. Sometimes when i try laucnhing an application it will say it cant because the computer is shutting down. I have no idea what the problem is, any help would be appriciated.

    Best Regards,

    energy saving poster. MHP, 1.13.11 Green Club Meeting- Energy Saving Reminder Posters 026
  • MHP, 1.13.11 Green Club Meeting- Energy Saving Reminder Posters 026

  • liamkp
    Jul 11, 10:21 AM
    ...I have that cable with my 60Gb iPod photo and it won't work on my iPod Touch...made the mistake of brining it with me on a trip and got stuck with out my iPT...


    energy saving poster. Energy Saving Week
  • Energy Saving Week

  • morty192
    May 4, 11:19 AM
    i'm in the UK but usually the within 24 hours I would imagine means 1day so just sit tight if you haven't heard anything by 4pm ring them up. It should still be with you tomorrow I would imagine!

    energy saving poster. Conservation posters for kids
  • Conservation posters for kids

  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 27, 07:29 AM
    Mac Virus/Malware Info ( by GGJstudios (
    There are currently no viruses for Mac OS X in public circulation, only a handful of trojans and other malware, which have to be installed manually via entering the administrator password.
    The only anti-virus you need to protect your Mac is education and common sense.

    Helpful Information for Any Mac User ( by GGJstudios (

    energy saving poster. of Energy Saving Posters?
  • of Energy Saving Posters?

  • ezekielrage_99
    May 4, 01:17 AM
    How long is a piece of string?

    You really need to answer the following:
    - The budget
    - What is the site actually going to do?
    - Project scope/Timeline
    - Functionality of the overall site
    - Expected idea of how the big/small the site will be

    It's like going into a car dealership saying "can I please have one car in blue?", yes you can get it but it has no limitations of purpose and budget...

    energy saving poster. Poster. philips-energy-saving
  • Poster. philips-energy-saving

  • ghostlyorb
    Mar 11, 11:07 PM
    wow, this guy is really trying to sell a spot in line for 499 at least?

    thats ridiculous.

    seeing that they probably handed out tickets... and he couldn't get one anyway.. haha

    energy saving poster. breakthrough energy saving
  • breakthrough energy saving

  • satcomer
    Apr 22, 10:26 PM
    It should. Just try everything in the thread.

    energy saving poster. about saving energy and
  • about saving energy and

  • LifeInLoFi
    Apr 22, 06:19 PM
    Mostly Skyfire for my general browsing.

    I like the ability to view Flash video and I like how it can easily be switched between iPhone view and Desktop view.

    energy saving poster. This colorful poster
  • This colorful poster

  • bigandy
    Nov 21, 04:15 PM
    Make it stop five?


    I can see this getting more out of hand before, well, nothing is released...

    energy saving poster. Energy Saving Posters
  • Energy Saving Posters

  • jelloshotsrule
    Oct 13, 12:51 AM

    may want to check this thread:

    energy saving poster. Energy Saving Posters
  • Energy Saving Posters

  • gopher
    Oct 2, 12:25 PM
    In a manner of speaking. is offering an internet service bundle with a refurbished Mac. Very interesting idea. And at $200 it is in the right price range to appeal to a lot of PC users. They'll get a taste of Mac and decide if they want to buy a newer one.

    Visibility is one of the key issues regarding Macs. This helps a lot.

    energy saving poster. MHP, 1.13.11 Green Club Meeting- Energy Saving Reminder Posters 019
  • MHP, 1.13.11 Green Club Meeting- Energy Saving Reminder Posters 019

  • iMac0765
    Jul 11, 09:55 PM
    You have to make this hard don't you? :cool:

    Apr 8, 05:58 PM
    I hope that one day we actually do evolve as a species into something more enlightened rather than remaining the tool-wielding moronic savages that we are and have been since we split off from the rest of the apes.

    Mr. Anderson
    Aug 18, 09:43 AM
    Not arn :D

    Jan 5, 12:55 PM
    Hey guys..

    First my current setup, late 2009 iMac, Mackie MR5's monitor speakers, Mackie 402-VLZ3 mixer.

    Like many others have experienced, I get a really bad hissing sound with my setup (or any setup for that matter), and it gets noticeably worse when I'm scrolling through pages. I am coming directly out of the headphone jack, into my mixer.

    I've searched these forums, and I've noticed that the general consensus is to get the Mbox USB interface. Looking at that though, it seems as if people get that for digital recording, wanting portable recoding studio, etc.

    I was told to get a USB audio interface. My only reason to get one is to basically eliminate the hiss, because I plug whatever I need to use directly into my Mackie Mixer anyways. Is there a good quality, pretty basic USB interface out there without all the bells and whistles? I've noticed the cheap China crap on eBay, but I am assuming that's garbage.

    Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.

    Jul 16, 05:08 PM
    I've been using iChat A/V since it's release and it's been working beautifully. I've even got an iSight and have been chatting no problem w/ it. Just the other day I started up iChat turned on my iSight tried to view myself by clicking the video camera by name and iSight unexpectedly quit. I tried and again and the same thing. I tried having my friend invite me to a video soon as I accept it quits. I tried inviting someone....same thing. I tried just doing audio....same thing. I tried throwing out all iChat files and reinstalling. SAME THING. Anyone else have this problem or a suggestion on how to fix?

    Aug 11, 03:12 PM
    I would suggest to start out with maybe an SX guitar and a cheap practice amp, that way if you want to stick with it, you can upgrade the amp and have a guitar that is better than most of the low end offerings of the big name companies, and if you decide it's not for you than you don't have that much invested in it. Picking up an instrument is so much fun though...I started on an acoustic about 8 years ago, then started playing bass in bands for about 5 years on an off and even now a lot of my time is spent on something music related. Good luck!

    SX guitars (

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