Thursday, May 19, 2011

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  • DoFoT9
    Aug 11, 07:42 PM
    I mean, if we don't get to compare GT to NFS because of that, then surely you shouldn't compare GT to Forza for the same reason.
    goes GT allow dragging/drifting ? :p

    its kind of like comparing two different beasts imo.

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  • AppleKrate
    Sep 19, 07:53 AM
    ... and actually getting any work done.

    speaking of which...

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 19, 12:33 PM
    And I'm not convinced this is only an application problem. When I run Handbrake on the Quad G5 alone it uses just over two cores 203% @ about 100fps analysis (1st Pass of 2) speed. If I add a Toast encode while that is happening, Handbrake takes a huge hit down to below 150% @ 70-80 fps analysis while Toast can only use about 130% instead of more alone. So the Tiger OS X seems to have difficulty managing more than one multicore application's core usage allocation up to its maximum capability - IE Tiger is not so MultiCore Enabeled as it could be IE Leopard probably will be much moreso - let's hope that is one of its TOP SECRETS.

    When I ran tests on the Mac Pro at the Apple Store last Saturday between Toast and/or Handbrake, their use of more cores alone and together was much better. Handbrake alone can analyze up to around 134fps while writing at about 107 fps using about 1.5-1.75 cores. So while not yet fully optimized for Mac Pro yet, it's already outperforming the Quad G5 significantly. Handbrake would appear to analyze files about 33% faster while writing them about 15% faster while using 1.5 to 1.75 cores. Quad G5 does analysis @ about 100fps and writes about 93 fps (2nd Pass) using up to about 2.2 cores.

    Toast 7.1 UB uses Mac Pro cores much more than it does Quad cores - in the range of 280 - 310% IE about 3 cores compared to only about 1.5 cores on the Quad G5 as well as on the Dual Core G5. Unfortunately I didn't have encode times for each of the sample files I brought with me from the Quad so I don't know the real time how much faster that really amounts to. Running simultaneously on the Mac Pro, Toast would use over 2.5 cores while handbrake would use only one or less than one at best.

    Together simultaneously on Mac Pro 2.66 it's
    2.7 cores/1 core best
    2.5 cores/.75 core worst

    Handbrake during Toast is down to as few as 60fps but sometimes up to 100fps as well. Toast meanwhile is Still consuming up to almost 3 cores with Handbrake running at the same time. So Toast would appear to be much more optimized for the Mac Pro's MultiCores than it is for the Quad G5's Multicores. Same could be said for Handbrake - especially since it is not really fully Optimized for Mac Pro yet.

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  • OutThere
    Apr 27, 09:13 AM;page=101

    There you have it. The birthers aren't satisfied. I knew it.

    The tinfoilhatism in the comments on that link is out of hand.

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  • jmgregory1
    Mar 22, 04:01 PM
    I can assure that doubling the 256MB of the first iPad is not enough for people that need a lot of multitask, like me.

    I don't need to own an iPad 2.
    The competitors have 1GB RAM, iPad 2 has 512MB.

    It's simple: Apple is always behind hardware-wise because they like to priorize esthetics and appearance (besides the "so wonderful OS" ad). It's been this way for Macs, it seems to be the same way for iPads.

    Android phones are selling more than iPhone.
    iPhone has started a market, competitors are improving it.
    iPad has started a market, competitors are improving it.

    If you just can't recognize how multitask works better with 1GB RAM and true background apps (QNX, Honeycomb), then you deserve to use a limited thing like an iPad.

    I've only bought the first iPad because there were no competitors at that time (and I hate netbooks), but now things are different. To be honest, A LOT different.

    People said that the iPhone was going to be the best phone out there, but the market is showing something different.
    People say the iPad is the best tablet out there, but it seems that the market is going to show something different.

    There are 2 sides: Apple fanboys and realistic people.

    I like products, not brands.

    This is a simple look at a complex process. Adding more ram may be good in a system that doesn't control app usage well, but it's something completely different when the system can control for app processes. If you have a product that works perfectly well with a certain spec, is there a need to add more of a certain thing? What benefit does it offer? Apple is a smart company - why build more cost into hardware if you can make your software make up any potential shortcomings in hardware?

    Of course the competition has to market its products as being different in some way compared to Apple and convince you, the buying public, that it means something to have double this or less of that.

    Frankly, I think these companies should be trying to come up with the next thing - instead of just trying to compete against the iPad - but they won't do that. They'll wait until Apple releases the next new thing and just copy that. It's pitiful really.

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  • littleman23408
    Dec 1, 05:27 PM
    Sorry, Bandit, I don't have tips for the licenses. I am not that far into them yet.

    Took out the Lotus challenge in a snap. The first few times I came close to finishing it, I would have had 1st and beat it, but I either ran into the grass, or the person in first I was about to pass slowed down to much and I nailed him. But, the first time I actually completed the two laps, I was 1st. If someone needs tips I will post it.

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  • PCMacUser
    Aug 27, 07:39 AM
    Yes, and as someone has already pointed out, if the Core2 can do 20% better with the same power, can't you just throttle your new Core2 MBP down 20% and get a laptop with the same performance of your old one with 20% better battery life?

    Talk about not seeing the forest through the trees. :rolleyes:
    It's quite common in the PC laptop world to do exactly that - using the BIOS to drop the default clock speed and/or voltage of the CPU to extend battery life. But that requires a BIOS which Apples don't have. Perhaps it can be done another way...

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes for cards.
  • mothers day quotes for cards.

  • macsrockmysocks
    Jul 20, 10:09 PM
    I mean, this is a good thing that they are coming out with all of these brand new processors. But it bums me out that my current iMac will be outdated..:( . O well, I guess i wil move on, and be happy with my perfect mac!

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  • As Mother#39;s Day quickly

  • portishead
    Apr 5, 04:46 PM
    I can't wait. Exciting times for FCP editors!

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  • slackpacker
    Aug 20, 12:58 AM
    Anyone ever check and see if Quicktime was Universal

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  • Mothers hold their children#39;s

  • BWhaler
    Aug 26, 07:11 PM
    Note: I believe I accidentally merged someone's (possibly a couple of people's) posts into BWhaler's post (3 above this post). Sorry. :o

    jsw, thanks for merging my postings.

    Didn't mean to spam the thread. (Just wasn't thinking...)

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes from the
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  • skunk
    Feb 28, 08:02 PM
    Fornication doesn't matter if the person doesn't care about the religious connotations of marriageIt matters that you describe it as fornication.

    Greek culture also endorsed pederasty!What has this dubious claim to do with anything? :confused:

    mothers day quotes from kids. Best Mother#39;s Day Quotes
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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 19, 10:49 PM
    Probably from an actual bookshelf. ;)

    Have you actually seen the Apple Records logo? Apparently not.

    You mean it's not an Apple? :eek: But it's ok for Apple to sue and Australian grocery store because they think the letter W looks like their logo? LMAO. Please.

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  • shawnce
    Jul 14, 11:20 PM

    Whoever came up with that abomination should be SHOT! UGH! they could have put together a nice little slideshow or whatever...but no, they had to make some stupid video with a horrible song i'll NEVER be able to get out of my head!

    School House Rock - "Oh, I'm just a bill, a lonely old bill, sitting here on Capitol Hill" (

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes from
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  • shandowee
    Aug 5, 03:34 PM
    �and my new macbook pro...?

    mothers day quotes from kids. mothers day quotes from
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  • RedTomato
    Jul 20, 11:35 AM
    Definitely need 8 cores me.

    One for running whatever program I'm working on.

    One for running the OS X interface, with Core Image, and bells and whistles and brass knobs and shiny candy.

    One for running Azerus or LimeWire or one of these Bittorrent clients that all seem to be in Java on the mac, and all slow my machine to a crawl..

    One for running Firefox and rendering these java / flash adverts that seem to slow my machine to a crawl.

    One for doing the video rendering that still slows my machine to a crawl for hours and hours.

    One for running the Windows XP virtualisation machine in a window on my desktop that seemed to slow my machine to a crawl last time I tried it.

    mothers day quotes from kids. Mothers Day Quotes Comments
  • Mothers Day Quotes Comments

  • ImNoSuperMan
    Aug 12, 04:29 AM
    I don't believe the rumor - Steve wouldn't blab, he just wouldn't.

    We only have a month to wait, though. :)

    Exactly the same reaction I had when I first read the rumor. It just doesnt sound like the Steve we know.

    But who cares. I just want the iPhone to be launched asap. I really hope it`s unlocked GSM phone so that I can use it in my country. It`ll really suck if it`s USA only.

    mothers day quotes from kids. Mother#39;s Day Poems for Kids.
  • Mother#39;s Day Poems for Kids.

  • Vegasman
    Apr 27, 08:40 AM
    Apple's solution is fine by me. They wouldn't have done anything if there wasn't so much press about it, but I guess that's a good reason (one of the only ones) for the press to exist.

    Interestingly, this behavior of waiting for things to blow up in the press before they are addressed will only lead to MORE things getting blown up in the press. Maybe Apple likes that? I dunno.

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  • EricNau
    Aug 17, 09:49 AM
    I have to say, I actually expected the woodcrest results to be better. It really shows that the G5 was years ahead of the competition. :cool:

    Apr 6, 10:50 AM
    can we also expect, ?

    -backlit keys
    -brighter display, colors, and ips
    -hd facetime

    all would be greatly appreciated along with the sandy bridge

    fingers crossed for no over-heating issues, you know how those turbo speeds can get and how they've treated the 13'' pros


    Apr 29, 12:46 PM
    So what? Who said liberals never partake in name calling? You claimed that liberals do more name calling. You want me to go dig out examples of name-calling done by conservative voices such as Limbaugh, Beck, etc.?

    I should add Trump to that list to keep this somewhat on track with the subject of this thread.

    Hey now don't go and try to get this thread back on track! ;)

    You could, cite name-calling examples on both sides but it really shouldn't be about who started it, or who does it more; really it should be more about ending it and talking about the issues... but then we'd be in danger of actually progressing.

    Feb 28, 08:30 PM
    rape and paedophilia both involve lack of consent. Although paedophilia has to do with that the mind is attracted to pre-pubescent children in the same way that homosexuality causes attraction to the same sex. Both cases are untreatable.

    Now you've stopped stating opinions and walked into fact territory.
    Has anyone ever been truly 'cured' of homosexuality? You need to produce empirical evidence. Notably brain scans showing the arousal of a homosexual to people of his same sex before and after this 'treatment.'
    If you can produce that evidence, I will be satisfied that homosexuality is a treatable condition. Until then, I'm just assuming that you're stating dogma as fact to make reprehensible claims.

    Apr 5, 06:32 PM
    Time for my 8 cores to start all being used at the same time.

    ++, finally!

    I'm hoping they sell it on the App store. I prefer the licensing management and model on there. (Although 50GB might be a problem!!)

    Jul 31, 12:28 PM
    Sure, it may be more expensive than a custom-built Intel machine, but it will run OS X like a charm, and that's ultimately the most important factor in my computer purchase. But access to Windows games and Mac OS X, that's a dream come true for this mac fanatic. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that virtualization makes big enough strides that I never have to leave OS X to play Windows-based games.

    my thoughts exactly... MacBook Pro in two weeks :D

    wish i had that Core 2 goin in it...

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