Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Meet author Rachel Brimble

What are the most challenging and the most rewarding aspects of writing?
I find the most challenging aspect the plotting – characters come very easily to me but the plot I give them not so much.  A book very often starts with a voice I hear in my head.  Whether that be the hero or heroine, someone always comes through and starts telling me their compliant or problem or goal – usually when I’m in the bath or ironing, LOL!

Tell us about your latest/upcoming release. What inspired it?

The Sharp Points of a Triangle was inspired firstly by Hannah’s angry voice coming through and then the next day I came across a newspaper article about a two reunited lovers who had married six months later.  I thought the premise was great…but what could I throw in to make the reader believe there was no chance of these two particular characters re-uniting? The business competition was born!

If you came back as a spirit, what message would you have for your family, friends?

To live your life as much as possible through instinct – the older I get, the more I realize your gut is the most reliable gift you have.  That little voice warns you of the bad stuff and urges you forward with the good stuff.  Listen to it!

What character (s) in any of your books is most like you?

Lily Curtis – who is the heroine in my next book, due for release on July 23rd by The Wild Rose Press.  She believes anything is possible, she is caring with a good heart and willing to work hard to get what she wants….but does have a tendency to lose her temper and indulge in far too much sexual fantasy!

What is the most ridiculous thing that you have thought about doing to any of your characters but never did?

I do it all, LOL!  If a ridiculous scenario pops into my head and stays there, I know I have to roll with it.  The difficulty is choosing the right character to use as the vehicle.  These usually manifest themselves in a secondary character – like Mr. Baxter in ‘Triangle’.  Believe me, read the book and this will need no further explanation.

How do you keep track of your world building?

I am an avid plotter (although I admire the ‘seats of your pants’ writers so much!) so I start each book with a five page double spaced synopsis and a chapter plan.  This gives me a framework which I go back and forth to for the entirety of the book – lots of surprises always turn up but the skeleton usually remains the same.

What do you feel are the benefits of the new electronic readers such as Kindle 2 or Sony Digital Book Reader to the environment?

Lots of benefit!  Mostly of course, the cost of paper and trees, wastage, reduction costs – there are so many benefits but I’m not entirely sure old-fashioned books will ever disappear.

What impact do electronic readers create on the bottom line for authors in the end? Do you feel they have a negative impact or positive, or no impact at all that you can see?

As I only write for small press right now, I don’t feel the impact too much.  Electronic downloads of my novels far outweigh the paperback copies right now so I can only assume most of my readers favor the convenience.  If I’m selling, the impact is good – believe me!

How well do you get along with your muse? If we asked it to name three things about you, what do you think they would say?

Very well (most of the time!) – it would say I am impatient, easily distracted but have great tenacity

Which authors works do you enjoy reading and do you have any other authors that you bounce ideas of?

Far too many to count! Nora Roberts, Jodi Picoult, Marian Keyes, Philippa Gregory, Charlaine Harris, the list goes on.  I read right across the genres.

Is there a movie you seen recently that was great or just plain sucked? (Can be in theaters or DVD)

Totally harrowing and depressing but the movie I saw recently that affected me more than a movie has for a long time was The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.  See it, remember it, think of it.

Where can readers find you on the 'net?

Sneak Peek into The Sharp Points of a Triangle:
Buy at Eternal Press-Click HERE
“I can’t see our names anywhere,” I say.
“Oh, we’re sure to be here somewhere, dear,” Mr. Baxter murmurs.
And then my stomach tightens and my heart thumps hard inside my chest when I see Jamie standing not five feet away from me. Yep, God must love getting a kick out of watching me squirm. He is standing by one of the tables, his hand on the back of a chair talking to a sickeningly gorgeous blonde. Her size six figure is sheathed in a pale pink dress that glides over her body like a second skin, and falls to her ankles in soft delicate folds.
“Condom in heels,” I mutter.
“Did you say something, dear?” asks Mr. Baxter.
“No, no. I’ll bet twenty pounds this will be us,” I say, approaching the table.
I walk closer to Jamie and his companion and peer at the name cards, purposely turning my back to them in an ardent display of disinterest.  But then Mr. Baxter comes bouncing up beside me like a God damn jack in the box.
“Jamie! What a coincidence you should be seated between Hannah and me,” he gushes. “And who is this stunning, young lady? Your wife?”
Nausea rises bitter and unwelcome in my throat as my breath catches.  Time stands still. I wait for his answer. Bastard. Why didn’t I consider the fact he could be married? Bastard. Who the hell does he think he is, running his eyes over me like a bloody Casanova ready to pounce when he’s got a wife who looks like that? He gives a deep throaty laugh which immediately warms my body in places that have no right to be warm.
“No, no, I’m not married, Reginald,” he says, with a laugh. “Let me introduce Andrea Kingsley. She’s one of Lloyds’ top performing advisers.”
I sniff. Yeah, I bet. Performing is right―most likely on her back. But my relief rushes out on a breath.  I move to sit down but realise the chair on which Jamie is resting his hand is mine. Damn it. When I look up, he’s watching me. In fact, all three of them are.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” I extend my hand to Condom. “Hannah Boyd.  Pleased to meet you.”
She gives me a pinched smile and takes my hand. Her eyes linger on mine for a moment too long. “Pleased to meet you too, Hannah.”
I smile back and hope it doesn’t look as overdone as it feels. There’s a long silence and I wonder which one of us is going to fill it. But we are saved by the bell, literally. The Master of Ceremonies asks that we be seated, and when I move to pull out my chair, Jamie gets there first.  My eyes meet his and he winks.
My heart gives a hard kick, but I manage to gracefully sit down. Opening my menu, I promptly hide behind it.
 How did this happen? How could I work so damn hard to pass exams and prove myself competent as an adviser, only to find myself sitting next to the one person I was always so bloody hot for. I’d even had to demand he shove his respectful restraint up his arse, in order to lose my virginity with him, for crying out loud!
This is bad, really bad―I can feel an eruption of volcanic proportions brewing.

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