Monday, May 23, 2011

My Personal Review for Wolfman 3: Judgement by Brannan Black

I love this author's wolfman series so much. It has some amazing characters, scorching hot sex scenes and a storyline that will keep you glued to the edge of your seat. Wolfman 3: Judgement continues right after book two ends and we find Daniel and Mace dealing with Daniel's "Pack"-his mom and the rest of the human survivors he lived with.

After a virus kills many and changes some of the surviving males into wolfmen, life has changed and not always for the better. Survivors have banded together to survive this changing new world in which they live in and now they either have to work together or die.

Mace and Daniel are at Daniel’s home and it hasn’t been an easy visit. Distrust on the human side, Daniel torn between his mother and his lover and there is dissension within Mace’s pack. Life should be easy when you visit home again…right?

I got to admit, I love Daniel and Mace a lot. Mace is sexy in that alpha male sort of way and Daniel is a man after my own heart-smart mouthed and sexy. *grins*  These two fit perfectly together and the author does a remarkable job in keeping the characters fresh with each story. The secondary characters keep the story moving along at a nice even pace and the sex scenes between Mace and Daniel are so hot, I had to go cool off with some ice afterwards.

Ms. Black does it again in her latest release and I am eager to see what else she has planned for Mace, Daniel and the rest of these wonderful characters. Will the friends and family of Daniel accept he is the chosen of Mace, a wolfman they fear? I am looking forward to more continued adventures with Mace and Daniel as they adjust to a virtually different world that they live in. If you are looking for a well written story to enjoy at the beach, grab the entire wolfman series and settle in for hours of reading pleasure. 

My Rating for Wolfman 3: Judgement: 4 Stars

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